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Hunter on Mortality Radio?

I just went in to the Lonestar chatroom today and saw a blurb that Hunter will be on Mortality Radio on Friday, March 19th. It doesn't say what time the show begins, so hopefully more informed people could share that information with the rest of us. I'm supposing that Hunter will be talking about T20 and Traveller on the show. Here is the website:

Hunter, give us the scoop on this will ya?
Cool! In general Mortality Radio starts at 8pm EST via shoutcast (winamp, realplayer, itunes etc. should all be able to listen in).

QLI shared bandwidth with the mortality.net folk at mortality's first Gencon. The show's a good listen and each program is archived for later. Not been in their chat room during a show for a while now but it was as fun as the show usually and they field questions and contests there.

Note: linking directly to that page above should *always* include a mute your speakers first warning. That page auto loads a very loud "Here comes Mortality Radio" sound file.

Sweet! Never stumbled on that site before, thanks for the link and heads up. I even got a new mp3 encoder/player out of the deal, about time I updated some other software on this old model/3 ;)

I checked out the archived show #1 too and was shocked. Who knew they were taping our old D&D game
Originally posted by Randy Tyler:
I just went in to the Lonestar chatroom today and saw a blurb that Hunter will be on Mortality Radio on Friday, March 19th. It doesn't say what time the show begins, so hopefully more informed people could share that information with the rest of us. I'm supposing that Hunter will be talking about T20 and Traveller on the show. Here is the website:

Hunter, give us the scoop on this will ya?
They invited us to be on the March 19th show, I accepted happily ;) That's all I have for right now. I need to get in touch with Adlon for more info. I want to try and get Bruce and Martin on with me.

This interview is LONG overdue, and we await the show, as we expect it will be a good one.

For those who listen to the archives of past shows, the first 9 or 10 have the OLD intro, which is less than suitable. They will be re-edited when I get time.

The show starts at 8PM EST. As the link has been posted, you can find all the information you need at http://www.mortality.net/shoutcast.php

I'll be calling Hunter this week, to shore up the finer details of the show.

Looking forward to this one, guys. Hope to see you all there.
I have tried to call Hunter several times. He MAY be away at GAMA, though I'm not sure. I also sent him an email, and am posting here on the board.

I need to talk to him prior to the show. If anyone has an inside way of getting to Hunter, please do so. I left my Cell number on his voicemail.

Thank you.

Darn, I wanted to listen live, but people like me who are not computer savy have a problem with figuring out all the hoops you need to jump through to listen. :confused: Hey Casey, could you give a step by step or link so i could listen to the file? ...next time I'll ask my 12 year old how to do it, she probably has an idea

In the mean time, I'll go stand in the corner.... :(
We'll be posting a link to the show archives once they have it posted.

To listen now I am using WinAMP.

Go to File, URL and enter

radio.mortality.net:8001 and hit enter

It should automatically start the show.

Will there be a transcript of the interview? No offence or anything, but I had a hard time listening to the file; most of the time I couldn't understand what Hunter was saying.
I have to agree, I could make out what he said, but the overall sound quality was pretty bad... annoyingly tinny... I ran mine through a compressor to cut off the high end a bit...

Also, that intro music could have been an hour or two longer... It's a good show, but needs some tightening up. I would change the Title to something a bit less MUR-Der, to quote Bugs Bunny, it sounds like a euthanasia forum or something...

I would also like to take this opprtunity to give props to Hunter for pulling no punches when referring to Fire, Fusion, and Steel! Way to tell it, Milord! I always thought that book was written by robots FOR robots, meself... no soul, just data... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Far be it for me to be critical...
stofsk writes:
Will there be a transcript of the interview? No offence or anything, but I had a hard time listening to the file; most of the time I couldn't understand what Hunter was saying.
Sounded like Charlie Browns' teacher to me.


Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan writes:
Also, that intro music could have been an hour or two longer... It's a good show, but needs some tightening up.
Like maybe looking over the material before they interview the person they're going to talk too. That would be a start. I kept thinking I was listening to "Wayne's World."

However, I did manage to hear the part about Miniatures. My vote is for plastics.
Hehehe, agreed on the "day jobs" comment.

Congrats, Shane, for the honorable mention on the show.

Other things I picked up were:

  • Gateway Domain comes out next month (April 2004);</font>
  • Honor Harrington - very excited about it coming out soon;</font>
  • Player's Guide - once Hunter gets the draft, it goes into layout and art;</font>
  • GRIP may soon be updated to support T20;</font>
  • Miniatures - they're looking at plastic miniatures for cost, either painted or unpainted; also considering a possible counter collection as well;</font>
  • Talked about TNE 1248, 2320AD and the Aldenata/Posleen products briefly;</font>
  • Talked about T20 psionics and other T20 game mechanics (AR, Stamina and Lifeblood, SOC and EDU, etc.) some;</font>
  • "Firefly" as Traveller came up;</font>
  • Fire, Fusion and Steel book discussed (hehehe), and updated ship construction rules may be a future product;</font>
  • Boardgames - Hunter wants to, but it's a long way off;</font>
  • Talked about CT-to-T20 adaptation tips, and the capture of CT's flavor in the T20 rules;</font>
  • TA8: Watercraft still awaiting final art, but after it comes out, all of tjoneslo's TAs will be released in print as a single three-TA volume;</font>
  • Hunter mentioned the possibility of running radio programs similar to this for COTI/T20.</font>
Hope this helps,
/me shrugs

It's a free internet radio show run by gamers for gamers. I don't expect it to sound like a nationally syndicated talk/music show in either sound or content quality. I for one had fun during the show and Mortality's a good listen in general as well as having a good website. Good free publicity which both T20 and Traveller in general could use plenty more of these days.

Finally for all I know Hunter and Shane *could* be Hivers using vocoders in need of some adjusting. ^_^

Casey (Hiver Arm Wiggle)