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How Old Are We? (CT)

How Old Are We? (CT)

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I know we already have a "how old are we" thread, but I'm curious about something a little more specific: I'd like to get a grip on the age breakdown of fans who like different versions of the game. This would hopefully be more useful in determining which demographic is the main market for each game.

So I'm going to ask three questions here in separate posts (since I can't seem to persuade it to work with multiple questions). I'd like people to answer the question most relevant to them.

The question in this poll is for fans of Classic Traveller. If you're a fan of GT or T20, please answer one of the other questions in the separate posts.

(if you got into it via any other version and use that as your system of choice today, then please don't answer this poll - I'm just interested in those three systems.

Note that I'm not asking when you bought into the game - just which one you bought into and which one you use.

[*] If you use Classic Traveller as your system of choice today, please answer the question below.
Hmm. This seems to be asking TWO different questions. I got INTO Traveller through CT...but my current chargen is GURPS, with a bunch of game mechanics rooted in CT...I'm just a mutt.
Woof. :D
I'm not sure how, or even where to answer. To me you are asking two quite distinct and seperate quesions. Namely:

What Traveller version did you start with? (CT, GT, T20)

What Traveller version do you play now? (CT, GT, T20)

And as to the second question it's far too limiting for me being that in the last while I've played a bit of CT, T20, and TNE and I don't really have a system of choice, I'll play whatever I have access to.
Hmm. I see the problem...

Maybe I should rephrase the question to:

"If you use Classic Traveller as your system of choice today, please answer the question below."?

Is that less ambiguous? Which one you got into is more important for the GT or T20 questions, because I want to filter out people who used to play another version of Traveller but switched to those.
I've voted in this poll because CT was where I started, and if the game police would only allow me to keep one version it would have to be this one.
I've invested too much time and effort in house rules, ship design, sector generation, world detailing, adventures etc. etc.

I have found something to like in every version of Traveller, and quite happily mix and match.
I started with CT and then went MT, stumbled through a touch of TNE and T4, tried GT and feel back into T20. Right now, I play T20 both FTF and PBEM, and CT PBEM. Which one should I answer?

I started with CT, moved onto CT+MT, dabbled with TNE, and settled on CT+MT+T4 (I also own GT and T20, but only use them for bg info).
Uh, I don't think that your data is going to be informative because the question is confusing.

I started with CT, but my preferred system is currently T20. It seems like you want to ask people to answer only if they started with CT and are sticking with CT (and parallel questions about GURPS and T20). The people who started with one system and play another are left out.

The people who started with one system and play another are left out.
That's the idea. I'm looking for people who are still sticking with CT. I'm not sure why people think they should be able to answer every single poll question that comes up ;) .

For the GT and T20 polls, I'm looking for people who started playing Traveller with those and have stuck with them.
I don't think any of us were thinking we should be able to answer every poll, just looking for some clarity on if and where and how to answer this one.

That's cleared it up now, for me at least I think. You're asking those who started with CT, GT or T20 to register (in the appropriate poll) IF they still play that same system today, and exclusively if I read it right. Close?
Basically, yes. By "system of choice" I mean that most or all of the books you get for Traveller are for that system, and if you play Traveller you use that system rather than any other.
Nah, MT and TNE don't count as "CT", and won't get polls of their own.
I'll bet there are some people out there who sarted with TNE, think it is the best system for Traveller, and still play it.

Ditto for MT.

I'd have a hard time believing this for T4 though ;)
Yes Sigg I'd be one of those people. Sure I owned some CT stuff first, but first "played" and/or "Ref'd" with TNE and still prefer it to other systems. Mostly for two reasons, players can actually make a difference in the published material and therefor also in my created material.
And because it has FF&S which allows me to add anything (okay within reason) to my games.
One setting reason, and one system reason.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Basically, yes. By "system of choice" I mean that most or all of the books you get for Traveller are for that system, and if you play Traveller you use that system rather than any other.
Then subtract one vote in the "over 40" category...
Originally posted by Malenfant:
I'm not sure why people think they should be able to answer every single poll question that comes up ;)
Um, so they can view the poll results? You can't do that unless you vote...
OK, results so far, as of 18th October 2004:

14 or under: 0
15 - 20: 1
21 - 25: 0
26 - 30: 1
31 - 35: 3
36 - 40: 10
41 - 45: 7
46 - 50: 2
51 - 55: 1
56 or over: 0

So far it seems most of the respondents are between 36 and 45 years old.

I dunno which category Robert wants his vote removed from, since there are lots of 'over 40s' there
In future, I guess I should put a "null" result for people to vote for if they just want to read the results... oh well. I can't seem to change the poll now unfortunately.
I started with CT in the early eighties, and found stuff I liked in each new system as it came out, even GURPS...I loved the task system as it allowed my players a guide line as to how to do something in game. I have not as yet looked into T20 as I am still looking for players to play any version...
TY the 'new guy'
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