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How about some multi-class character creation examples

For some reason I just can't seem to figure out how prior history works for multi-classing. Rather then list a hugh number of questions, I think it would be helpfull to everyone if maybe Hunter or a playtester who knows the rules post a few examples. Please include homeworld, going to the university, and mustering out steps as well. Then if anyone has any questions we would all have the same example to work from.

I would also like to say that the book is great and I can't wait to start having players roll up characters. Thanks! :cool:
If I ever figure out the multi-classed Scout/Academic character I'm making, I'll post it here
(nothing up my sleeves!)

Our example, one Taliesin Uramoto Gilaash (known, after a fight or two, as "Tug"), had a fairly typical childhood on a fairly typical world of the Third Imperium...

STR 12, DEX 16, CON 11, INT 12, EDU 10, WIS 13, CHA 11, SOC 12.

Humaniti Generic

Homeworld: High Tech 1 (TL12), B class Starport, Waterworld with Low Population.

Tug's race and homeworld rolls have the following effects: +1 EDU (to 11), no prohibited starting class, one additional general feat at first level, one additional skill point at all levels and four more at 1st, Languages: Galanglic and "Islander Gaelic" the language of the homeworld, K/Homeworld-0, T/Computer-0, Driving-0, Swim-0, Navigation-0, Pilot-0, Vessel/Grav, Vessel/Watercraft (from taking Driving in the Waterworld set of skills)

...if you consider a world with only a few hundred square kilometers of dry land "typical", that is.

With no more guile or need to dominate than is normal growing up, Tug takes a fairly balanced approach to life.

1st level: Traveller
Feat for being 1st lvl: Alertness
Feat for being Human: Natural Compass
Feats for being Traveller-1: Armor(Light), Armor(Medium), Weapon Prof (Marksman), and a bonus feat from the Traveller's list: Fast Talk.
Skills (which I won't list): 6+1(Int mod) +1(racial mod) x4 = 32 points to spread around.
Tug, now 18, decides to go to the local university. He is successfully admitted, and graduates in fairly ordinary fashion four years later...

...with EDU 12 and 3000 exp.

Tug has earned enough EXP to now be 3rd level.

Some of the book learning actually stuck...

Tug takes his 2nd level as Academic, which he qualifies for due to having earned a Bachelors Degree:
Feats for being Aca-1: Research, Skill Focus (K/Oceanography), and a Bonus Feat from the Academic list: Geological Survey.
Skills: 10 more points

...but his tendency to provide rides to other students awoke the latent businessman in him...

Tug takes 3rd level as Professional-1, which he qualifies for by having 5 (at this point) ranks in Pilot:
Feat for being 3rd level overall: Vessel/Ground
Feats for being Aca-1: Armor(Light) which is a repeat, and Professional Speciality (taken for T/Mechanical), as well as a Bonus feat from the Professional list: Credit Line
Skills: 9 more points.

Note at this point that Tug has a BAB of +0, and saves of +0, +2, and +4, not including stat modifiers.
Tug, having discovered the wonders of earning his own money, gets a job.

One term as a Professional:
assignment roll: Private Practice.
Survival roll: 6 (success: 4000 exp)
XP Bonus Roll: 13 (success: 1d4x1000 = 3000 exp)
Commissioned: 11 (Success: 2000 exp, Rank O1)
Promotion: 17 (Success: 1000 exp, Rank O2)

10,000 exp earned for the term. As 13,000 exp total, Tug is now 5th level.

The corporate experience has a way of leaving its stamp on a person...

Tug takes 4th level as Professional-2
Feat for being Prof-2, from the class list: Carousing.
Attribute increase for being 4th level: CHR+1 (to 12)
Skills: 9 more points.

Tug found that his childhood love of the sea, and the education he'd chosen based on it, continued to draw him.

Tug takes 5th level as Academic-2.
Feat for Aca-2, from the class list: Advanced Knowledge, applied to K/Oceanography.
Skills: 10 more points.

Tug still has a BAB of +0, and his saving throws are now +0, +3 and +6 before attribute mods.
Tug feels the urge to move on, and quits his job

Mustering out for one term of Professional, at a rank of O2, allows two rolls on the Earned Benefits tables for the Professional. Tug opts to take one on each table. His cash roll is a 5, not modified since Tug has no Gambling skill, so Tug leaves his job with Cr50,000 in his savings.
His Material Benefits roll, also unmodified, is a 2, garnering Tug a +1 to his INT (now a 13).

Tug is now 26, and wondering what to do next. He has enough money to get offworld, and he wonders if maybe the Scouts are looking for Oceanographers...
Bravo! I think that between the posts on the other threads and this very nice example, I do believe I understand how this all works!

Thanks for posting that, GypsyComet! :D
Originally posted by GypsyComet:
Tug, having discovered the wonders of earning his own money, gets a job.

One term as a Professional:
assignment roll: Private Practice.
Survival roll: 6 (success: 4000 exp)
XP Bonus Roll: 13 (success: 1d4x1000 = 3000 exp)
Commissioned: 11 (Success: 2000 exp, Rank O1)
Promotion: 17 (Success: 1000 exp, Rank O2)

10,000 exp earned for the term. As 13,000 exp total, Tug is now 5th level.

One question...can you be Commissioned AND Promoted in the same term? For some reason I thought if you were commissioned, that was it for the term, and if you failed your commision roll thenyouchecked to see if you were at least promoted.

It may be that I'm wrong about that, I'm just looking for clarification.

BTW...Good job GypsyComet! I had struggled with the whole class vs prior history term and finally figured it out on my own, and your example would have made things a lot easier

Originally posted by R_Kane:
Originally posted by GypsyComet:
[qb]One question...can you be Commissioned AND Promoted in the same term? For some reason I thought if you were commissioned, that was it for the term, and if you failed your commision roll thenyouchecked to see if you were at least promoted.

It may be that I'm wrong about that, I'm just looking for clarification.
In CT and MT, you could be both comissioned and promoted in the same term. (I don't recall for certain whether this was the case or not in TNE or T4, but I think it was.)

So I'm not sure that it's spelled out in T20, but I would certainly play it that way.
Originally posted by R_Kane:
One question...can you be Commissioned AND Promoted in the same term? For some reason I thought if you were commissioned, that was it for the term, and if you failed your commision roll thenyouchecked to see if you were at least promoted.
Historically you can, and I see nothing in the text changing that.
Wow, thanks alot GC! I get it now and can't wait to start cranking out practice characters. This type of example should have been in the book. :D
Evil Dr Ganymede writes:
If I ever figure out the multi-classed Scout/Academic character I'm making, I'll post it here
As soon as I get a core book, I intend on attempting to do a Scout Bureaucrat, Dain Thrangar, in T20 fashion. I suspect its gonna be difficult though :I
So if you go up by say 2 levels in one term, you can split them between the classes you have taken? I would have thought you'd have to take them in the class that you served the entire 4 year term in.

IE his 4th and 5th levels...should both be as Professional since that is the term he was in? That confuses me a little. I actually think your system works better to be honest.
Originally posted by Ellros:
So if you go up by say 2 levels in one term, you can split them between the classes you have taken? I would have thought you'd have to take them in the class that you served the entire 4 year term in.

IE his 4th and 5th levels...should both be as Professional since that is the term he was in? That confuses me a little. I actually think your system works better to be honest.
The example as presented is the way the book is intended to be used, though the example doesn't touch on all the options, naturally.
Tug is NOT limited to classes he already has levels in. He's limited to classes he qualifies for, which is different.

Taking all levels earned in a term as the class that matches the service path is the *default* way to do it, but is not a rule by any means. Tug could certainly have taken all the levels gained in University as Traveller. More to the point, a character going enough terms could qualify for and take levels in a Prestige Class *during prior service*.
Originally posted by plop101:
Evil Dr Ganymede writes:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> If I ever figure out the multi-classed Scout/Academic character I'm making, I'll post it here
As soon as I get a core book, I intend on attempting to do a Scout Bureaucrat, Dain Thrangar, in T20 fashion. I suspect its gonna be difficult though :I</font>[/QUOTE]Nah. If he began as a Field Scout, take him through a term (or more, if you already know his history) in that service path, then move him over to the Professional or Academic paths and focus on those classes for those terms (to emulate the effects under previous editions). Given what it typically took to get a Field Scout into the Admin side, he probably would start with a term at the U...
Nah. If he began as a Field Scout, take him through a term (or more, if
you already know his history) in that service path, then move him over to
the Professional or Academic paths and focus on those classes for those
terms (to emulate the effects under previous editions). Given what it
typically took to get a Field Scout into the Admin side, he probably would
start with a term at the U...
Nope. Starts at University. Then goes three terms in Scout Bureaucracy.
Then musters out, gets Type S. Oh yeah, rank O4 using book 6.

The complete CT/MT character is in the Adventure section, under Dain Thrangar.

I'm presently thinking the following:
1)Start Dain in Professional or Academic
2)Go to University
3)Then spend 3 terms in Scouts
4)Pray to the game gods that this will equivalent feats/skills to cover skills Dain had from CT/MT. The feats concern me. Skills, on the other hand, should be easy to convert.
CT/MT skill-1 should equal T20 skill-2
5)Ignore the rank thing.

1)Start Dain in Professional or Academic
2)Go to University
3) spend 3 terms in Professional or Academic
Get O4 in rank.
4)Pray to the game gods that this will equivalent feats/skills to cover skills Dain had from CT/MT. The feats concern me. Skills, on the other hand, should be easy to convert.
CT/MT skill-1 should equal T20 skill-2
5)Oh look, the GM is going to give me a Type S Scout for free
Originally posted by GypsyComet:
(nothing up my sleeves!)
1st level: Traveller
Feat for being 1st lvl: Alertness
Feat for being Human: Natural Compass
Feats for being Traveller-1: Armor(Light), Armor(Medium), Weapon Prof (Marksman), and a bonus feat from the Traveller's list: Fast Talk.
Skills (which I won't list): 6+1(Int mod) +1(racial mod) x4 = 32 points to spread around.
AFAIK, you don't get the racial bonus to skill points at first level, you only get the x4. So his Skill points should be 28, not 32.

Of course, I could be wrong, but that's the way I've read the PHB, and nothing the T20 modifies that, to my knowledge.
PHB indicates that humans get 4 bonus skill points at 1st and one each level after. I expressed it differently, but the number is the same...
Originally posted by GypsyComet:
PHB indicates that humans get 4 bonus skill points at 1st and one each level after. I expressed it differently, but the number is the same...
Actually, given that, we're both wrong. 6+1+4=11, which x4 = 44. I knew something looked off - I just blanked on what, and didn't have my books with me. :cool: