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High/Normal/Low/Zero G Adaptions + Zero G Combat changes?


A question about adaptions has recently come up in our PBEM game. I'm running a Virushi, which come from a high G world (1.25 G).

You would think that, given that Virushi are from a High G world, they would be used to working in a High G environment, since it's normal to them. However, working in a 1G environment would be unfamiliary (relatively speaking, "Low G"). Now, what do they do if they want to get a feat where they are used to working in "normal" 1G or even Low or Zero G?

I see two ways of handling this situation. Both require the removal of the High G or Zero/Low G adaption (but not both) restriction.

One is that 1.25 G is "normal". Working in anything higher than 1.25 G by a sufficient margin would be considered High G (to a Virushi) and would require the High G Adaption feat to be done without penalty. Zero G / Low G covers anything less than 1.25 G (including 1 G).

Another way is to split the "G" adaptions into High, Normal, Low, and Zero G. Most characters start with Normal G Adaption as an inherent feat. Virushi start with High G Adaption as an inherent feat. Any character can gain the other adaptions as feats.

Another proposal (related) is to remove the Vac Suit skill prereq for Zero G/Low G. With grav plates, characters probably are going to be in Vac Suits, but there are situations where a character wouldn't require a vac suit, but still be in Zero / Low G: grav plates have failed, been turned off, or there are no grav plates for a reason.

Another suggested change is that Zero G Combat require Zero G adaption, but not Vac Suit (similar reasoning).

What do you think?

Another way is to split the "G" adaptions into High, Normal, Low, and Zero G. Most characters start with Normal G Adaption as an inherent feat. Virushi start with High G Adaption as an inherent feat. Any character can gain the other adaptions as feats.

Yes, I was thinking of something along the same lines, but haven't gotten around to posting it yet.

<Doc Saro waves at Darishun> :D
You could use a five point scale (Very High (1.6 or more), High (up to 1.5), Normal (1.4 to 0.8), Low (0.7 to 0.1), Zero) with your homeworld as a starting point. Each instance of the Gravity Adaption Feat would then adapt you one step either way, depending.

Penalties for gravity:

Each step higher than normal = -1.5*
Each step lower than normal = -1.5*
Weapons with recoil (Low or less) = -2

* = round down

So, Very High-G charcters in a Low-G envrionment would be at -(1.5 * 3 steps) = -4.5 = -4.

This is just an idea, and I don't know how it would work in reality.

Take care,
