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Heavy Machine Gun

No but I've used one in real life..... ;)

All kidding aside it should be easy enough
to come up with.....And I may have the stats
here some where, I'll check the stack.
looked at it and all they said was that it was banned from civilian usage.

im thinking somewhere around 2d12 for damage but i could be off.
Greetings and salutations,

If you are looking for stats for MilSpec weapons, try looking at Ultramodern Firearms and Weapons Locker for d20. At least they will give you a place to start.
DunArmCo Mini-12, from 2320: (consider this a bit of a teaser)
DunArmCo Mini 12:
Type: 12mm conventional heavy machine gun
Country: Australia
Weight (Empty): 24 kg
Length: 144 cm (Size=Large)
Action: Single shot or bursts
Ammunition: 12 x 95mm fixed cartridge ball
Muzzle Velocity: 940 mps
Magazine: 100 round cassette
Magazine Weight: 7 kg ROF: 1/4/10
Range: 120 m (250m on mount)
Damage: 3d12 (x2)
Price: Lv910 (Lv30 for box of 100 rounds; Lv50 for empty cassette) (Lv x3 to get price in credits.

2320AD writer
Originally posted by slyen2:
ok thanks!

one thing is a 25mm machine gun Heavy or Light?
It's Ultra Heavy.... One could say (and should) that a 25MM is an autocannon. Said same gun in the main on a M2A3 Bradley. :eek:
You might also want to take a look at the equipment docs from the d20 Modern SRD. There's a HMG in the main d20 Modern weapons & armor file, the Arcana equipment file has some ammo types, and Future has another MG and some weapon options.

If nothing else, it's free.

Originally posted by slyen2:
so what is the Vulcan? and is a 105mm and a 120mm an autocannon or a HMG?
A Vulcan is a 20mm autocannon that uses a Gatling gun mechanism.

Uh 105/120mm are like trench mortars/howitzers and tank cannons. [EDIT]Woops. There are some auto-loading tank guns of that size that are technically autocannons.[/EDIT]

Typical HMG's are 12 mm and the Russian one is 14.2 mm. I think the breakpoint to cannon is 20mm. Interesting site on the new Anti Tank Rifle. Since I am an old sqaud leader player. The idea sounds good but I always found in the game they were less than stellar. Good for very light armor. The basic design of the Ameircan HMG dates back to WW1 the browning 50 cal is an old but very effective design.
Originally posted by slyen2:
so what is the Vulcan? and is a 105mm and a 120mm an autocannon or a HMG?
A commonly used (in many games at least) break point is that anything 20mm and over is some form of cannon or artillery. Under 20mm are "small arms" and MGs. Under 20mm, you've got to look at more than just the bore size to determine the 'type' of weapon and even then it can be subject to opinion.

[edited for typo]
Originally posted by Colin:
DunArmCo Mini-12, from 2320: (consider this a bit of a teaser)
DunArmCo Mini 12:
Type: 12mm conventional heavy machine gun
Country: Australia
Weight (Empty): 24 kg
Length: 144 cm (Size=Large)
Action: Single shot or bursts
Ammunition: 12 x 95mm fixed cartridge ball
Muzzle Velocity: 940 mps
Magazine: 100 round cassette
Magazine Weight: 7 kg ROF: 1/4/10
Range: 120 m (250m on mount)
Damage: 3d12 (x2)
Price: Lv910 (Lv30 for box of 100 rounds; Lv50 for empty cassette) (Lv x3 to get price in credits.

2320AD writer
And Colin I raise you four machine guns from the upcoming Legtacy of the Aldenata. :)

Introduced in the Vietnam War era, this medium machine gun is still in widespread use with the U.S. military and that of several other armies.
Type: M-60A4 7.62mm medium machine gun
Country: U.S.A.
Weight (Empty): 10 kg
Action: bursts
Magazine: 100 round belt
Magazine Weight: 4.5 kg
ROF: 0/10/20
Range: 72 m
Damage: 1d12 (x2)
Price: $6,000 ($112 for a box of 100 rounds).

The M-240 was the standard medium machine gun of the US Marines before they were folded into the Strike Fleet units. It is still found in active use with US Ground Forces.
Type: M240 7.62mm medium machine gun
Country: U.S.A.
Weight (Empty): 11 kg
Action: bursts
Magazine: 100 round belt
Magazine Weight: 4.5 kg
ROF: 0/10/20
Range: 72 m
Damage: 1d12 (x2)
Price: $6,600 ($112 for a box of 100 rounds).

This heavy-duty .50-caliber machine gun has been in service since World War II, and remains a very common vehicle-mounted military weapon around the world.
Type: M2HB 12.7mm heavy machine gun
Country: U.S.A.
Weight (Empty): 38 kg
Action: bursts
Magazine: 100 round belt
Magazine Weight: 15.8 kg
ROF: 0/10/20
Range: 120 m
Damage: 2d10+1 (x2)
Price: $14,000 ($160 for a box of 100 rounds).

CIS .50
This heavy MG was deigned by ST Kinetics of Singapore to replace old M2HB in service with Singapore military. The CIS .50 features quick changeable barrel with fixed head space, dual feed system (left or right, selectable) for quick change of type ammunition fired, semi-auto and full auto modes of fire. It is currently in service in Singapore and offered for export.
Type: CIS .50 12.7mm heavy machine gun
Country: U.S.A. manufactured under license
Weight (Empty): 30 kg
Action: bursts
Magazine: dual 100 round belts
Magazine Weight: 15.8 kg per belt.
ROF: 0/10/20
Range: 120 m
Damage: 2d10+1 (x2)
Price: $15,000 ($160 for a box of 100 rounds).

I hope this helps and interest people. The above was provide by the Legacy of the Aldenata development team consisting of one or more sentient beings. :)
