In the D&D game you have clerics and healing potions to instantly heal you after being wounded in a combat encounter. After playing the T20 game I realized that T20 had no such thing, but could a liquid that a character swallowed heal that person 1d8 stamina points and 1d4 wound points in a few minutes? The best a field medic can do is accelerate natural healing, but if you are to adventure in an underground complex with combat encounter after combat encounter, you need a quick way to heal. One idea is to have a limited form of medical nanotechnology, it replicates only a certain number of times, and reads the DNA of each cell in the character's body for instructions on how to rebuild his damaged tissue. Or perhaps the bottle the character drinks contains a live virus that infects him, turning on cellular machinery causing cells to divide in such a way as to repair the damage of even grow new limbs. The effect is the same as the D&D potion of cure light wounds or the potion of cure serious wounds. The viruses or nanotech agents only replicate a certian number of times and then become inert and useless. These agents are activated by stomach acid and travel through the body via blood vessels. Now if this drug existed in the OTU what tech level would it be?