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Have anyone used rpol.net?


I'm considering trying to run a Traveller game using that framework when I have decided on some rules.

Anyone have any experiences with that site, or any similar?
Originally posted by lightsenshi:
Yes, I have plenty of experience with that site. What specifics did you want to know?
lightsenshi, I've had a look around the site and it seems very nice. Here's some questions:
- What's the die roller like?
- How are char sheets created/stored?
- Any advice on what makes it work best?
I've noticed that the dice roller tends to be frightfully random.

Character sheets are created/stored as part of the character details. It's another button when you create a new/existing character. (I've GMed, does it show? :D )

Any advice? Expect turnover. The games tend to run at about the same speed at PBEMs and have about the same amount of turn over.

Feel free to toss me any questions or use my ear for advice.
Ok, more questions.

- I have never ran or played a PBeM. Is there any special snafus to look for?

- How often should I post and, how fast do a PBeM game usually go?

- Is it easy to get players? Will they stay?

I have only played with my pals around here. The only other thing I did was playtest Talislanta 4th ed. on IRC. It was rather special. So I really don't know what to expect.
Originally posted by Cymew:
Ok, more questions.

- I have never ran or played a PBeM. Is there any special snafus to look for?

- How often should I post and, how fast do a PBeM game usually go?

- Is it easy to get players? Will they stay?

I have only played with my pals around here. The only other thing I did was playtest Talislanta 4th ed. on IRC. It was rather special. So I really don't know what to expect.
Special snafus? Umm...
Aside from the loss of face to face role play, the biggest problem I've always had is the lack of player continuity. What takes one night on tabletop can take a year or more via email or message board.

I would recommend posting around once a day, when you have something to contribute. Otherwise, log in and check, even when you're not actively doing something. The GM(s) can tell when you last logged in and what time it was locally, so he'll know who's actually making an effort to play.

Getting players can be easy. It can also be hard. Most players there tend to stay for a while. It will depend entirely on the system and the campaign premise. To the best of my knowledge, I have only seen one T20 game (and I'm in it). D&D games come and go like water, though.
Ok, so keeping the pace up will be the premium problem. I guess I should have known that. I'll try to keep it in mind, and see if I can do anything about it if I start a game.
