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Happy Assassination Anniversary

On this date (202-1116), Strephon was assassinated and the Traveller reality timeline diverged. Just thought a quick note to commemorate the event was in order. :eek:
Not to deliberately spoil your post through nitpicking, but the canonical date is actually 132-1116 (May 12th in non-leap years). I do like the idea of commemorating it, though. Perhaps someone (me?) should "Ask Avery" if there's any special RW significance to that date or if they just chose it more-or-less at random.
I actually noted this ONLY because of the CoTI site's link to this day in history, stating that 202-Fiday (that is today, the 202nd day of the year) was the assassination date. I do seem to recall 132-1116 as the real date... I thought 202 is Strephon's birthday.

Charles ;)
Originally posted by FlightCommanderSolitude:
As noted by someone on the TML, however, today is the 25th anniversary of the release of the original Traveller ruleset at Origins 1977. Yeah!


Now that's a nice note coming on the day we launch the CotI website and release the first copy of T20 Lite!

Dear Folks -

Originally posted by FlightCommanderSolitude:
As noted by someone on the TML, however, today is the 25th anniversary of the release of the original Traveller ruleset at Origins 1977. Yeah!

Err, that would probably be me. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by hunter:

Now that's a nice note coming on the day we launch the CotI website and release the first copy of T20 Lite!

Congrats on T20 Lite! :D