Originally posted by migo:
Not if you read the Hand Computer description.
"The 'handcomp' provides services of a small computer, plus serves as a computer terminal when linked (by its integra radio, network interface jack, or by other circuit) to a standard computer. If an astrogator has a handcomp handy, the penalty for no astrogation computer when plotting a course is reduced to only +2 on the DC."
-Small Computer - PDA
-Serves as a Computer Terminal - Remote administation program on a PDA
-Integral Radio/NIJ - WiFi/Bluetooth
-Astrogation - Built in Map program/GPS in some situations.
Considering the weight, 0.5kg PDAs could do even more. They already have fully featured computers the size of a PDA running for $1500. A standard $500 PDA can do everything the hancomp does, a ruggedized version would go for $1000. Much less than the $3000 (1000 cr) or the hancomp. In some ways we're already more advanced than what a handcomp does, except we don't do astrogation, we just use a Garmin iQue to navigate around the country. We're at a TL8 era right now, the handcomp is more like TL7.5.
I just think that considering that the game is played by humans on earth, it should fit a geocentric viewpoint for ease of play. Therefore the TLs should fit with current tech trends and roadmaps. It's possible to use a higher TL for computers, in which case we'd be at least TL12 by now, but I think it's easier to think that we're all TL8 by now that we're in the information age. A TL 11 handcomp would be something that would be found in Earth: Final Conflict, at least, considering rollable screens are already being developed and having a computer the size of a small flashlight where the screen rolls out could be available within the decade. GSM.11 is already being worked on, so late TL8 should include compact personal computers that can link onto a WAN without difficulty.
The problem I see with sticking with the original TLs for computers is at the rate we're going we'll have TL 20 computers by the end of the century. Hmmmmm. The Traveller RPG is 25 years old, I think it could do with an update to the current times. It doesn't make sense to have a futuristic Sci-Fi RPG that's behind the times. I don't think it would have to change game mechanics much either. Just some simple TL reorganizing and updates. Perhaps this could come in a T20 revision that makes it 3.5 compatible (if there are any 3.5 rule changes that actually affect the D20 system beyond D&D). Will it be hard to convert from older material? No. It's just that something that was TL12 in the supplement is now TL8 or TL9. Same thing, different TL, and some new tech introduced to fill in the void after about TL 11 or 12.