Droyne, Drone, All
Terms ?
Appeal-6, Prediction-6, Liaison-6, Flying-6, Instruction-6, Steward-6, Admin-6, Computer-6, JoT-6, Medical-6, Psionics-5, Leader-3, 0g Combat-3, 0g Weapons-3, Vacc Suit-3, Grav-2, Unarmed Combat-2, Pilot-2, Navigation-2, Laser Weapons-2. Other skills as needed
Psionics: All
The Being known as "Grandmother" is the first (and so far only) of the "Neo-Ancients" born in the era of Human History known as "the Long Night" she quickly developed vast Psychic powers not long after her Casting. she has used her Psyicialy extended life span to acquire a phenomenal number of skills and experiences many of them are half forgotten to her still partly asleep mind.
"Grandmother" has bean in a state of suspended animation for the past many centuries and much of her mind still slumbers, but as she explorers the universe again more and more of it awakens unlocking memories and knowledge of ages past.
"Grandmother" wanders from place to place by means unknown (she has a star ship) assisting the Droyne (often without their knowledge) in various means, normally by spreading Technology and Lore but also by gifting them Coyns.
Droyne, Drone, All
Terms ?
Appeal-6, Prediction-6, Liaison-6, Flying-6, Instruction-6, Steward-6, Admin-6, Computer-6, JoT-6, Medical-6, Psionics-5, Leader-3, 0g Combat-3, 0g Weapons-3, Vacc Suit-3, Grav-2, Unarmed Combat-2, Pilot-2, Navigation-2, Laser Weapons-2. Other skills as needed
Psionics: All
The Being known as "Grandmother" is the first (and so far only) of the "Neo-Ancients" born in the era of Human History known as "the Long Night" she quickly developed vast Psychic powers not long after her Casting. she has used her Psyicialy extended life span to acquire a phenomenal number of skills and experiences many of them are half forgotten to her still partly asleep mind.
"Grandmother" has bean in a state of suspended animation for the past many centuries and much of her mind still slumbers, but as she explorers the universe again more and more of it awakens unlocking memories and knowledge of ages past.
"Grandmother" wanders from place to place by means unknown (she has a star ship) assisting the Droyne (often without their knowledge) in various means, normally by spreading Technology and Lore but also by gifting them Coyns.