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Gateway Sector

T. Foster

Having spent the last few months poring over William H. Keith's Lords of Thunder (aka DGP's MegaTraveller Journal #4 -- which has become quite possibly my all-time favorite Traveller adventure), I had somehow failed until about 5 minutes ago to make the conscious mental connection that Gateway Sector is smack in the middle of QLI's T20 playground, and am now extremely curious to know what you're planning to do with this area in M:1000.

Since I know that, for whatever reason, the print content of MTJ4 is copyright GDW, not DGP, and therefore not 'forbidden canon,' I assume (hope!) you'll be sticking to the sector history/descriptions therein, but I can't help feeling that (as presented by WHK) Gateway Sector in 1000 will be a whole lot less interesting than it is in 1120 -- the entire history/politics/geography of the Sector is balanced perfectly for all of the themes and grand plots to come to a head simultaneously -- right around 1120.

So I'm wondering what approach you're planning to take. If you stick to WHK's timeline, you'll just be giving hints of developing themes and conflicts that can't/won't be resolved within the span of your product line (i.e. frustrating your customers), but if you alter too much then you'll be destroying what is IMO the most dynamic and interesting story/setting ever produced for the OTU -- a group of PC adventurers stumbling onto Trevannic Alpha in 1002 out of plain curiosity wouldn't have nearly the dramatic punch or large-scale consequences of the grand sector-wide reckoning WHK engineered.

So, what's the plan?
Much of our 'official' material will deal with Ley, Crucis Margin, and Glimmerdrift-Reaches more so than Gateway sector for many of these reason.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by T. Foster:
Having spent the last few months poring over William H. Keith's Lords of Thunder (aka DGP's MegaTraveller Journal #4 -- which has become quite possibly my all-time favorite Traveller adventure), I had somehow failed until about 5 minutes ago to make the conscious mental connection that Gateway Sector is smack in the middle of QLI's T20 playground, and am now extremely curious to know what you're planning to do with this area in M:1000.

Since I know that, for whatever reason, the print content of MTJ4 is copyright GDW, not DGP, and therefore not 'forbidden canon,' I assume (hope!) you'll be sticking to the sector history/descriptions therein, but I can't help feeling that (as presented by WHK) Gateway Sector in 1000 will be a whole lot less interesting than it is in 1120 -- the entire history/politics/geography of the Sector is balanced perfectly for all of the themes and grand plots to come to a head simultaneously -- right around 1120.

So I'm wondering what approach you're planning to take. If you stick to WHK's timeline, you'll just be giving hints of developing themes and conflicts that can't/won't be resolved within the span of your product line (i.e. frustrating your customers), but if you alter too much then you'll be destroying what is IMO the most dynamic and interesting story/setting ever produced for the OTU -- a group of PC adventurers stumbling onto Trevannic Alpha in 1002 out of plain curiosity wouldn't have nearly the dramatic punch or large-scale consequences of the grand sector-wide reckoning WHK engineered.

So, what's the plan?

Never forget that in YTU there is nothing prevebtubg the events of 1120 from happening 100 years before. If they even follow 1/2 of the tips I've laid out, my PC's will miss 90% of everything. I expect Loren is used to that by bow... ;'p So?


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by William:
Never forget that in YTU there is nothing prevebtubg the events of 1120 from happening 100 years before. If they even follow 1/2 of the tips I've laid out, my PC's will miss 90% of everything. I expect Loren is used to that by bow... ;'p So?

Oh yeah, that's exactly my plan -- if I ever run another Traveller campaign it will definitely be this one, whatever ruleset or era -- I was just wondering what the 'official' line is going to be.

Since Hunter's comments imply they're taking a more-or-less hands-off approach to the sector that's ideal -- I can do my own thing and run the adventure and not worry that some jackass player will have picked up some spiffy new sourcebook that either gives away all the secrets or contradicts my campaign (unless, of course, said jackass player is willing to drop big $ on ebay for a copy of MTJ4, but that seems less likely).

P.S. Backdating LOT would actually be pretty easy -- in place of 'chaos caused by the Rebellion' insert 'chaos caused by the Solomani Rim War' and everything else should be able to play out pretty much as written. The biggest concern becomes 'why didn't any of these events have any historical ramifications over the next 100 years?' but that's comparatively minor: "this is MY TU now and how do you know they won't, foolish Player? Bwahahahaha!"