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For Sale: Uncompleted Gazelle Class


SOC-14 1K
The Commerce and Exchange Bank of Shirnkung is pleased to announce the sale of six uncompleted Gazelle Class Close Escorts to the public! Due to a delayed communication the bankrupt Paquard Construction Company had in its inventory six of these uncompleted starships. Now that the firm has been liquidated the C&EB is selling off these remaining hulls. They come equipped with the basic life support systems and aside from spending nine years in Paquard’s orbital holding lot are in serviceable condition.

These 400 ton hulls are fitted with O.E. Mod. 16 Maneuver Drives, Fardrive Jump Drive, ISMM Model/3fib computer, fuel tanks, complete bridge and two staterooms. This ship has 85 tons of cargo space. No hardpoints, armor, or nuclear dampers have been installed. The docking bay for the 20 ton gig has not been installed and no gig is included.
Transponders have not been installed and remain the responsibility of the purchasing party to obtain from the S.A.

It performs Jump 4 with a 4G acceleration makes this ship ideal for those who need to get their high value cargos to their destinations in a hurry.

Sold “As Is” with no warranties expressed or implied “at your own risk”
MCr 175.5
Ooooooh - no transponders installed? To the joys of um... Stellar, er, Salvage, ah ummm Engineers! Only two staterooms? That's a bit rough for a 400 tonner. Let me check my credit... Hmmmm, not this month. Maybe next.

Ooooh. I mean, hm, Mod 16's, eh? Not a bad choice, though a bit lean on maintenance panels. Hrmph. Mmm.

Saan Kharle Daanakhiir would like to put in a bid for one. He would, of course, want to inspect it first. When can a viewing be arranged?
The C&EB is always happy to assist in financing . . . .

Inspections are by appointment only.

List of possible issues.

Ships are not complete so cargo space means empty space in the hull. Select components may not be in place.
Sensors, emergency backups, lighting elements, acceleration couches, water reclamation and AG in some areas of the ship.

None of the sensitive military equipment has been installed yet.
Buyers are reminded that the registration of the ship with the Starport Authority is required by law as none of these hulls have been numbered as of yet.

BTW. In HG how much hull space does armor take up? I did not factor that into the available tonnage.
Just thought they could be a funny/good fast courier idea. On scanners it will look like a fighting ship, if you don’t look closely. . . .
Originally posted by Kurega Gikur:

BTW. In HG how much hull space does armor take up? I did not factor that into the available tonnage.
Just thought they could be a funny/good fast courier idea. On scanners it will look like a fighting ship, if you don’t look closely. . . .
in HG 1st ed. it varies per TL:

for tech 7 its 100 tons
for tech 15 its 15 tons
Which ship design system are you using for this?

It's just that in most of them a jump 4 ship needs a model 4 computer ;)

Armour in HG2:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> TL 7-9 10-11 12-13 14-15
formula 4+4a 3+3a 2+2a 1+1a</pre>[/QUOTE]The formulae give the percentage of the hull required for an armour factor of "a" at that TL.

E.g. a TL13 ship with an armour factor of 5 would have to allocate 12% of its hull to armour.
The 41st Independent Squadron, LIC, would like to purchase two of these. Both will be payment in full. Our purchase team, lead by Jaqueline Yin, would like to arrange for an inspection of each, and also arrange for the inclusion of four additional staterooms, two hardpoints and two dual turrets.

Shouldn't the computer be a model/4?
The article claims that the ship is armored but there is no hull space dedicated to the armor. Looks like the authors fudged it a bit.
Originally posted by Kurega Gikur:
The article claims that the ship is armored but there is no hull space dedicated to the armor. Looks like the authors fudged it a bit.

Now why does this sound so familiar

Oh yes, that's right...

Recall Issued
Just a nit, but if the hull skins are complete, then the designated (4) hardpoints are present, even if no turret hardware is attached. You have to define and build those things from the start, just like you already have all hatches, airlocks, and ports already defined and in place.
Lets face it guys the GCE was a bad design. Who knows how many companies have been forced out of business because they agreed to produce this clunker.

Yeah, hardpoints exist my goof, it is the turrets that are not installed.

Mgmt regrets any confusion this caused.
Still neat for a high performance courier or passenger ship. Still J4/4G is very speedy.
Originally posted by Kurega Gikur:
Lets face it guys the GCE was a bad design. Who knows how many companies have been forced out of business because they agreed to produce this clunker.
And yet I love it :D It may even be my favorite ship but I don't recall what I voted for in that poll.

I don't think it's a "bad" design so much as designed "bad"ly. I like the idea of it being a hard to produce design and the bane of many contractors, nice one KG, that is going in the data files!
Originally posted by Kurega Gikur:
...Still neat for a high performance courier or passenger ship. Still J4/4G is very speedy.
Indeed, and if it is in fact armored (a bell is ringing about a debate about having to be armored at hull laying too) it'd make a fine small merc ship too. Heck it's not bad even unarmored in that role vs small ships.
And if you can secure even one of the standard PA barbettes, you become an absolute terror. PA of any size is scary...
Indeed Gypsy, truly. But it would be hard to come by authorization for that little item, even for an outstanding merc outfit. Which makes it the perfect PC bait for the hook
Based on the old StarMercs article (DGP, granted), that type of Merc license would likely allow the purchase of single hard-point PAs. Having an Imperial Noble in your command structure would probably help even more, though...
Many permits can be had for an appropriate, ahem. . . licensing fee. Please let the C&EB (a subsidiary of Hortalez et Cie, LIC ) know how we can help.
"20% off" meaning that the warhead has been removed? or perhaps the missing 20% accounts for the drives and controls?

But you can carry an extra missile per launcher now!

Anyone else read Area 88? Mick had an excellent lesson on why "cheap" is not something you want in military hardware...

Scott Martin