trader jim
SOC-14 1K
what can you feed 150 imperial marines after a successful military opertion AND they havent eaten in 3 days?? lets hear some menues AND recepies!! not just
Just to make things complicated, the world just past some very strict green and enivronmental laws that prohibits beach usage by large groups (12 or more), public drinking is discouraged or expensive (Taxes to pay for rehab), and BBQs are a definite No-No!Originally posted by vegascat:
150 starving troops, 6 hours, no problem. Drop on a beach, have some guys dig a fire pit, sent some hunting the biggest burger on a hoof they can find. It's called BarBQ
You get that many troops togather and you will have some barBQ nut in the mix. Once you get em goin , all ya have to do is get out of the way.
If you are refering to my environmental restrictions post, this outright violation of local law would hurt both the Imperium and the Corps. The locales will have a dim view on the marines and see them as a bunch of thugs with an "above the law" attitude, the government could deny the next Imperial unit the right to leave the starport, and there would be heavy fines and jailtime the unit and its members have to endure.Originally posted by vegascat:
And how would that slow down a group of hungry marines with a resupply of ammo? If they are stupid enough to get between the marines and their food, then they lost the Darwin competition.
It will be if the local SWAT team is called in to arrest them for breaking the law. Then the unit gets all fines and court fees that the marines could not afford. Not to mention the unit commander could be held responsible for actions of his men.Originally posted by Shadow Bear:
Marines can't (or won't)read so the green weenie laws won't be a problem!
Not that much of getting a bloodbath, but making an adventure out of shoreleave, with a surprise or two. If PCs are the unit's senior officers then they have to deal with the politics and PR flap from the actions of thier men. If thier superiors get a wind of an incident...Originally posted by vegascat:
I guess sometimes the GM really just wants a bloodbath.
It might be interesting to play out and see what happens.
Hey that is a Shugli copyrighted trade secret!Originally posted by trader jim:
taken from another thread------------
vorpal bunny and tribble coffee juice - the left over coffee juice has several uses....#1 it cures and cleans up any type of rash a maine can contact at the "anchor and planet". justspread it on liberly. #2. beacuse the coffee juice isfull of toxins and poisions - it is DEADLY!! assasins
use it all the time, one tiny drop...and...o well... also marines smear a few drops on rifle and pistol ammo....very nasty!! illeagle and agains all conventions - court martial offence - but.... there are probably other uses ...have you heard of any???