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food recepies

trader jim

SOC-14 1K
what can you feed 150 imperial marines after a successful military opertion AND they havent eaten in 3 days?? lets hear some menues AND recepies!! not just
Damn! Tough question! Are they all human? Unlikely. Then you've got that whole Vilani fussy eating thing, too.

It also depends where they are... if they're limited to the Starport, then the fast food places there will get hit hard. Some officers will certainly want to eat somewhere more classy, but with the huge influx of troops, do you want to tell a small group of Marines that they'll have to wait half-an-hour for a table?

I think not...

Maybe their unit commander will have arranged something in advance, blowing several thousand credits on a hall and catering.

The Menu? Anything/everything that wasn't on their ration lists during the operation. Expensive food, local specialities and things from their homeworlds perhaps. Good old comfort food.

More important than the food.

Beer. Lots of it. Who needs to eat?
I can just imagine sitting a group down for a session.

"Tonight, you have to find a nice restaurant for your commander and his officers. You've got two hours to get four people into a five star eatery, or you'll all be scrubbing decks for a month.

Meanwhile, you've got to deal with your fellow Marines who are drunk on cheap local liquor and getting into fights with the local startown cops.

Finally, there's a 2am curfew. And if a single Marine from your squad breaks it, the whole squad is stuck on the ship for the rest of the R&R.

Good luck!"
I'd say a good plan would be their drop ships land in the middle of nowhere, at which is prepared a BBQ of the largest edible animal the planet in question has available. The PA systems blasting music and the buffet table has all the extras....complete with plenty of blondes, brunettes, and readheads.

Gotta treat your marines right!
150 starving troops, 6 hours, no problem. Drop on a beach, have some guys dig a fire pit, sent some hunting the biggest burger on a hoof they can find. It's called BarBQ

You get that many troops togather and you will have some barBQ nut in the mix. Once you get em goin , all ya have to do is get out of the way.
Originally posted by vegascat:
150 starving troops, 6 hours, no problem. Drop on a beach, have some guys dig a fire pit, sent some hunting the biggest burger on a hoof they can find. It's called BarBQ

You get that many troops togather and you will have some barBQ nut in the mix. Once you get em goin , all ya have to do is get out of the way.
Just to make things complicated, the world just past some very strict green and enivronmental laws that prohibits beach usage by large groups (12 or more), public drinking is discouraged or expensive (Taxes to pay for rehab), and BBQs are a definite No-No! :eek: :mad:

To top it all, the next world that has beaches inwhich you don't need a filter mask or vacc suit is about 4 jump weeks away!
And how would that slow down a group of hungry marines with a resupply of ammo? If they are stupid enough to get between the marines and their food, then they lost the Darwin competition.
The beach is just a hundred yards from where I am at the moment. BarBQs are planned for Friday and Saturday. Just hope the bombing missions don't get in the way.

Only problem here is, No gamers to be found. Surrounded by people who have never heard of Traveller and think D&D is something played on a computer.
My appologies for the off track whining, but it is a real example of that the troops really are doing after the battle.

Hate these Million mile keyboards. They been through the war too. :mad:
Originally posted by vegascat:
And how would that slow down a group of hungry marines with a resupply of ammo? If they are stupid enough to get between the marines and their food, then they lost the Darwin competition.
If you are refering to my environmental restrictions post, this outright violation of local law would hurt both the Imperium and the Corps. The locales will have a dim view on the marines and see them as a bunch of thugs with an "above the law" attitude, the government could deny the next Imperial unit the right to leave the starport, and there would be heavy fines and jailtime the unit and its members have to endure.

If the government has forewarning of the unit's arrival I could see them keeping a close watch on marines with Special Duty* police on alert. Any violations would be strictly dealt with according to the law, in order to make an example.

In terms of ammo. I very much doubt the unit commander would allow weapons on shoreleave that violates the local law.

* SWAT, Riot Control, etc.
[/qb][/QUOTE]Just to make things complicated, the world just past some very strict green and enivronmental laws that prohibits beach usage by large groups (12 or more), public drinking is discouraged or expensive (Taxes to pay for rehab), and BBQs are a definite No-No! devil:[/QB][/QUOTE]

Marines can't (or won't)read so the green weenie laws won't be a problem!
When the Marines come home after winning a battle saving the @%$^^@ of the people on that planet, How many would not consider that a good time to fall out and wave the flag, esspecially if it meant some healthy profits.
Originally posted by Shadow Bear:
Marines can't (or won't)read so the green weenie laws won't be a problem!
It will be if the local SWAT team is called in to arrest them for breaking the law. Then the unit gets all fines and court fees that the marines could not afford. Not to mention the unit commander could be held responsible for actions of his men. :(

Oh, did I mention that the local Imperial noble, who is a close personnel friend of the subsector duke, strongly supported all the green laws that the marines broke and is a stickler about Imperial personnel obeying local laws?

Remember in my first reply, these laws just came into being and the news about them never reached the marines when they arrived in system. No one remember to tell them about the laws.
Originally posted by vegascat:
I guess sometimes the GM really just wants a bloodbath. :rolleyes:
It might be interesting to play out and see what happens.
Not that much of getting a bloodbath, but making an adventure out of shoreleave, with a surprise or two. If PCs are the unit's senior officers then they have to deal with the politics and PR flap from the actions of thier men. If thier superiors get a wind of an incident...

Finally, if an incident gets caught on tape for the evening news then things really get interesting.
"ut ocifer, BELCH! The boys was jus havin some fun wid da local nasties. Dey didn't mean no harm by it, BELCH! really. They're good guys once ya get ta know em. It wa a hard fight they been through. Can't ya cut em a bit o slack? They got cash for your stores, and the police orphans fund. You do have an orphans fund don't you?
Hy Fred, get those drunks to put the nice police ocifers back on the ground. And see if you can get the record disks out of those news cameras.
Why did I ever reup again?"
taken from another thread-------------
VORPAL BUNNY AND TRIBBLE MEAT.....how to make it ediable. well...its so simple and basic...time to let the secret out....... just soak it over nite in ENGINE ROOM COFFEE!!! (it leaches out the toxins and poisions) no one know how or why this works , but wee all know whats in engine room coffee. VERY important....save all leftover liquid, more on this later in another thread!! then you can boil it, fry it, bake it, freeze dry it. do just about anything with it, great for snaks and emergency rations. AND marins love it!!
of course thay will eat ANYTHING.
taken from another thread------------
vorpal bunny and tribble coffee juice - the left over coffee juice has several uses....#1 it cures and cleans up any type of rash a maine can contact at the "anchor and planet". justspread it on liberly. #2. beacuse the coffee juice isfull of toxins and poisions - it is DEADLY!! assasins
use it all the time, one tiny drop...and...o well... also marines smear a few drops on rifle and pistol ammo....very nasty!! illeagle and agains all conventions - court martial offence - but.... there are probably other uses ...have you heard of any???
Originally posted by trader jim:
taken from another thread------------
vorpal bunny and tribble coffee juice - the left over coffee juice has several uses....#1 it cures and cleans up any type of rash a maine can contact at the "anchor and planet". justspread it on liberly. #2. beacuse the coffee juice isfull of toxins and poisions - it is DEADLY!! assasins
use it all the time, one tiny drop...and...o well... also marines smear a few drops on rifle and pistol ammo....very nasty!! illeagle and agains all conventions - court martial offence - but.... there are probably other uses ...have you heard of any???
Hey that is a Shugli copyrighted trade secret! :mad: :eek: