The Hinterworlds Rambler
SOC-14 5K
FnD is a collection of my own House Rules and Concepts for Classic Traveller, aimed at making quick game rulings and presentation of fast, easy-to-customize adventure elements. Clarity of expression, utility, and ease of use are the project's goals.
FnD stands for "Fast n Dirty". The "Dirty" being the fuzziness of the non setting specific elements. Dirty is good in this case. I'd like it to be "Punk Rock Traveller" in a way. Fun. Low Impact. To the point.
I am going to begin presentation and compilation of all this and get it together as a pdf or pdf series. I guess the stuff is going to be free.
FnD stands for "Fast n Dirty". The "Dirty" being the fuzziness of the non setting specific elements. Dirty is good in this case. I'd like it to be "Punk Rock Traveller" in a way. Fun. Low Impact. To the point.
I am going to begin presentation and compilation of all this and get it together as a pdf or pdf series. I guess the stuff is going to be free.