A question about fleets and Jumpspace.
When a ship enters jumpspace there is the uncertainty regarding it's exit time. Better calculations can reduce this but you can never predict exactly what time you will appear.
My query is this.
If a fleet all jumps at the same time to a target system, will they all appear at the same time or will they be staggered? If there is a central jump processing system to handle the calculations for the entrire fleet will they come out at the same time?
I've always wondered about this and in MTU I have the elements of the fleet arrive at different times as this adds an extra element of chance to any fleet tactics.
When a ship enters jumpspace there is the uncertainty regarding it's exit time. Better calculations can reduce this but you can never predict exactly what time you will appear.
My query is this.
If a fleet all jumps at the same time to a target system, will they all appear at the same time or will they be staggered? If there is a central jump processing system to handle the calculations for the entrire fleet will they come out at the same time?
I've always wondered about this and in MTU I have the elements of the fleet arrive at different times as this adds an extra element of chance to any fleet tactics.