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Ahhh yeah! I wish it was a little more "teched" up instead of the full-blown "wild-west-in-space" motif, but it some of the best TV sci-fi I've seen in a while (save for Farscape).

The scene where Mal kicks the mob thug in the engine was priceless. No PC moralizing and preaching ala Star Trek. It's gritty, it's fun, and it's going to be my regular Friday night thing.

Now if the FOX suits don't kill it...

Mark A. Siefert
I was quite impressed. The Alliance look sort of dump, I didn't like their look.

The crew of the Firefly, though, look great.

Bear in mind this WAS NOT the pilot episode. They've held that back until December, when they will do a 'How they all met movie' type of thing with it.
I was so very Traveller.
I mean it started with a bar fight!!!

So how'd you all like the blue handed Zho's?!

*evil grin*

I enjoyed it. It's more 'pants' than Enterprise...

I enjoyed it, but I wish their were more terrains in the Alliance than Arizona. I do worry that when they start to run out of scripts they will steal plots from "Rawhide".

I was a little disturbed to learn that all these hundred planets are in the same system. 85 million miles is mentioned as a great distance to travel. *Gag*
I thought all terraformed planets started out as Arizona?!?!

Good thing they don't start out as New Jersey!

Nooofense to anyone from there...

Yes, it struck me as very Traveller - in a good way. I'll stay as lightly spoilerish as possible for anyone who hasn't seen the premiere episode yet (I was at work and just finished watching the tape myself):

Starting out getting a job in a bar is classic. Then meet the patron and do the job. You could almost see the skill rolls: piloting - check, strength to remove the ceiling panel - check, dex to put it down without noise - ooh, bad throw! And then the referee consults the Firefly Patrons supplement and: "5 - Things are not as they seem. The cargo is actually...." Plus blade and slugthrower action a-plenty! The very end initially had me a little worried when it looked like it would be another case of "the captain is so noble he does the stupid thing that will cause him constant trouble over the next months/years" but, nope! he did the smart (and very funny) thing that stopped that problem before it could start! :D

This was a great debut episode!
I just kept thinking to myself....cool adventure, I gotta write this up....

Then I nearly busted a gut laughing when he kicked the goon into the engine intakes! It was classic Traveller!


Hungry little engine!!!

Just like a night of Traveller - bar fight - pick up a job - encounter problems - kick the bad guys butts - clear things up with the good guys - heal wounds - get ready to start all over again.

Some nice campaign threads. PC's are not afraid to kill if needed. Special effects are not bad. Some conflict within the group. Some mysteries to solve.

Alliance HQ has its head up its butt. The goons with the blue gloves just scream Psi Corps.
you guys got to see a new GREAT show and guess who had to work?? thats right - good ol Trader Jim....my friends kept calling me trying to describe it....Bummer!!!!.....there i was ...holding back the invading red hoards....while you folkswere having a ball!!!
now i gotta wait for reruns....double bummer!!!
Originally posted by trader jim:
you guys got to see a new GREAT show and guess who had to work?? thats right - good ol Trader Jim....my friends kept calling me trying to describe it....Bummer!!!!.....there i was ...holding back the invading red hoards....while you folkswere having a ball!!!
now i gotta wait for reruns....double bummer!!!
don't worry jim, I watched the hell out of it FOR YOU !!! :D

and enjoyed the hell out of it for...at least three people...
thats right .....throw salt in an open wound....
kick em when their down!!!! then STOMP EM!!!

HEY....you would make a good RAIDER!!!!
I'll skip the artsy-fartsy talk and say just this:
"Absodamnlutely the slamdamntastic bestest thing I've spent watching in a decade."
Felt like I was at the table watching the adventure unfold (Had dice in hand, doing the Queeg thing--sorry, hardcore gamer reflexes).

Goon into the engine! YUS! (machine like gnashing sounds)YUS!

(Had a PC do that at Fish cannery to a baddie tailing us--lower tech, but the chum machine worked nicely. Fella was bait for the morning's fleet out to sea in no time flat).

BAR Fight?! YUS! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Rave rant rave! More, more more! :cool:
Originally posted by hunter:
I just kept thinking to myself....cool adventure, I gotta write this up....

Then I nearly busted a gut laughing when he kicked the goon into the engine intakes! It was classic Traveller!


I did the same thing, but I then realised that it was not a smart move. If a bolt or a seagull can take out a turbine engine imagine what a human would do.

Loved the rest of the show. :cool:
Did anyone notice that the Alliance grunt armour looked like left overs from Starship Troopers? I noticed that immediately during the prologue. Also they seem use dropship landing tactics somewhat similar to ST movie.
Check out the bar window...that was cool.

I also liked the "chain of command" quote...I wish I'd recorded the thing so I could view it again. Oh well, they'll be reruns. ;)
Yeah the armor definitely looked like leftover ST armor. That may be reasonable since form follows function. ST didn't have the armor it should have had anyway.

The group seemed less well armed than your typical PC's. But there might be tighter restrictions on military weapons in the Firefly universe. Otherwise they resembled half the PC groups I ever played with.

:D :cool:
I loved that line...

"Did he just go insane and fall asleep?" or something similar.

Joss Whedon is a genious. Did you know he wrote the theme song, too?
wow.. great minds think alike.

I saw Traveller all over it as well. I started thinking, "hmmm.. my D&D group will be boarding a spaceship soon... maybe it's name will be Firefly...hmmmm." I wonder if I can get more details about the universe, change it some to fit what I want (i.e., the Alliance is really an Empire) and have some fun. I'll be seeing a few more episodes before the spaceship lands (it won't be landing until I have the T20 book in hand for a while).

Loved the bar window and the mag-lev train. I like the sheriff, kind of corny but I get tired of seeing the bully-police types in the news these days (besides, he'd have to feed them, and risk a shoot out when the spaceship's crew when they come to rescue them...).

I'm curious as to what a "respectable companion" really is. I have an idea, but wonder what makes her "profession" respectable? :rolleyes:

About the "Academy" and the blue gloves: I didn't even think of psionics with everything else I was trying to absorb. But yes, I see it now. Of course, in Traveller, we could call it the "Institute", (or for us The Pretender fans, the "Center").

I do worry about the way they referred to planets, space, and where everything is.

looking forward to next week...