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Finding Old GDW stuff on filesharing services


I have been trying to acquire old traveller stuff on E-bay for a while and have been very dissapointed with the materials I have recieved. Some things from big houses are mint and I really appreciate that but some stuff is just in horrid condition. For instance I bought Traders and Gunboats and all the pictures are cut out and the book has been written in. So I started to look around old file sharing services. And found... quite a lot. I dont think this is a prob because I recally Marc Miller encouraging folks to do it at one time, but if it is please tell me. Obviously I'd buy the books if I could, but they just arn't availible anymore.
Yes, I've noticed this too. And I think it's a good thing, but I realize that this is the main reason we'll never see a pdf of T20, which I would personally love to have. So, it's not a completely good thing.
Hey - hang in there - I have had great luck on ebay - of course once in a while you strike out!!
but all in all ive been treated very well by the sellers....so just keep trying and dont get "bummed" out..... ;)
Originally posted by Dynamo:
I have been trying to acquire old traveller stuff on E-bay for a while and have been very dissapointed with the materials I have recieved. Some things from big houses are mint and I really appreciate that but some stuff is just in horrid condition. For instance I bought Traders and Gunboats and all the pictures are cut out and the book has been written in. So I started to look around old file sharing services. And found... quite a lot. I dont think this is a prob because I recally Marc Miller encouraging folks to do it at one time, but if it is please tell me. Obviously I'd buy the books if I could, but they just arn't availible anymore.
Are you a collector of the original or no you want the data in the books for RPG play perposes? (Which is what seems to be indicated by looking for on line copies.) If you just need the info why not the FFE reprints?

Peter V.
Both really, Id love to collect... but not for the reason you'd think
I want the LBB's Small nice and simple...

The Crappiest part is that I had all this stuff... all of it. I let myself be talked into other systems and other rules sets. When I went to college I ended up selling tons of stuff for food money and now ... I just have the collected books 0-8 A1-13 and DA.

On Ebay im gonna pay 10 times the amount these books cost. I sure as heck am not gonna pay 40 bucks for a used AR Vargr book. I wish far future would republish the Supplements and alien race books rather than the JTAS stuff first.

Actually I want the LBB's back
Thats the most annoying thing, You could throw what you needed in a bag and get a move on...
Not lug 85 pounds of collected books.
You can get a reprint of just the LBBs right here at Travellerrpg.com.

Classic Traveller Basic Books (1-3)
ISBN 1-55878-218-4
160 pages, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2
Perfect-bound Softcover
Price: $12.00
In my experience it's pretty easy to turn up copies of books 1-3, at least, and Mercenary and High Guard aren't much harder to find. At one point (prior to the release of the reprint volumes) I had several extra copies of each, so I took books 0-3 up to the local Kinko's, had the spines cut off and the whole thing comb bound with a heavy black cardstock cover.

Makes a great handout at the game table for those players who don't have their own copy of the rules. Then again, I have enough copies myself that I could pass one out to everyone...