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Fighting Ships of the Shattered Imperium?


Hi-ho, all! Anyone converted (or at least started converting) the ships from the megatraveller supplement, "Fighting Ships of the Shattered Imperium" into T20? I'm taking a go at it, but I'd hate to duplicate effort.
Say have I welcomed you aboard yet Kzintosh :D

Ambitious project. Will you be fixing the "Shattered Ships of the Fighting Imperium"* first or just attempting to convert them as is? My copy is with a friend so I won't be doing it but I think I heard talk on the boards a while back about it being an idea. Back in sec with results of a quick search...

Nope not finding it, maybe I imagined it or it was somewhere else.

* not my brilliant wit, I stole it, if the search turns up the owner I'll credit it, if not speak up and own it ;)
I have been calling it "Shattered Ships of the Fighting Imperium" for quite a while, but I don't recall where I saw it first either.

Definitely an ambitious project, though I am not sure of the utility. I don't believe that playing during the rebellion is really anyone's favorite campaign era. The MT rules were cool but the setting....
Originally posted by Kzintosh:
Hi-ho, all! Anyone converted (or at least started converting) the ships from the megatraveller supplement, "Fighting Ships of the Shattered Imperium" into T20? I'm taking a go at it, but I'd hate to duplicate effort.

Hi-ho to you! Nice knickname by the way!

As for converting the so-called 'ships' of FSotSI to T20, have you bothered to fix them first? They are without doubt the most broken designs published for MT.

Just taking a wild guess here, but I'd think that before you convert them, you'll have to make them actually work in MT first. That makes your job two-fold - First, fixing very badly broken MT designs and, second, converting said designs to T20. That's quite a bit to tackle.

Good luck.

It might be easier to design them in T20 using the broken MT version as a template, and then optimise it in T20.

I have actually fixed all the MT ships from the book and redone them to T20 standards, originally it had even been intended to publish, but I just havent had time to do all the writeups on the ships... I still have everything here
I should clarify the intended to publish, I had talked with Martin and Marc, and it would have been published as a T20 book, probably another travellers aid
Wow! Thanks everyone, for the ideas and recommendations. I've started using the old Megatraveller supplement as a template, and tried to convert the concepts over into T20. Quite a chore, I should say (seeing as I don't have the design rules for the Megatraveller...oh well). I really like the idea of a TA for the Rebellion-era ships. You've got my full support, shadowcat! QuikLink can count on $5.00 (minus the CotI discount) from me!
I normally only lurk at forums, but I've been very much impressed with the Traveller community at large and the level of participation. Very impressive!