While looking around the newly revamped FFE website, I came across an interesting tidbit on the Gamelords press-release page:
While of little/no consequence to those of us who define "Traveller canon" as 'whatever products I own and use,' this statement (assuming it is followed through on by Marc Miller/FFE) might have some interesting repercussions for the current Traveller licensees (SJG and QLI) who have (per my understanding) been using the FFE Traveller Canon listing as an official record both of what may be consulted as source material and as what must not be contradicted by their new developments. King Richard, Sky Raiders, Far Frontiers, Reaver's Deep -- welcome back into the Official fold!
The same statement also appears on the FASA press-release page.The acquisition of this material allows it to be incorporated into the Traveller canon
While of little/no consequence to those of us who define "Traveller canon" as 'whatever products I own and use,' this statement (assuming it is followed through on by Marc Miller/FFE) might have some interesting repercussions for the current Traveller licensees (SJG and QLI) who have (per my understanding) been using the FFE Traveller Canon listing as an official record both of what may be consulted as source material and as what must not be contradicted by their new developments. King Richard, Sky Raiders, Far Frontiers, Reaver's Deep -- welcome back into the Official fold!