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Early Fallen

IT MUST BE MINE!!! (and it is ;) )

So is this the first new TNE product in... what, 10 years?

Will this be available for the free download that CoTI members are allowed?

I've never gone in and deliberately chosen this one, that one, and oh yes that one two, but apon logging in my library says I have selected three (I assure you I haven't cause I'm not sure how to) and have one left to choose, but Early Fallen doesn't seem to be on the list. I'd really appreciate a PM on how this is supposed to work. (Thanks in advance)

Perhaps a brief spoiler free review is in order to encourage people. If you have the time or inclination I know I'd appreciate it.

P.S. Edit,
With a nod to the "Decorum" thread I hope none of this seems rude to anyone. I certainly don't mean it to be.
Having done some proofreading on it, I was able to read it in its final draft stage. If you are interested in my opinion, it follows:

I was very impressed with the storyline and how it unfolded. It's a meaty adventure, and should take characters on a strong mission that starts with a simple encounter of Robin Hood-esque proportions and escalates matters until the fate of the planet's future lies in the hands of the PCs. It's got heavy military overtones, of course, and even though I don't like military/mercenary games in general, I'd play this one because of the style with which it was written.

For TNE fans, I found it very reminiscent of the Smash & Grab flavor from TNE Star Vikings, with a lot of military emphasis. I definitely feel it captures the essence of the TNE material I've read so far.

But that's my personal opinion on it. I've let you know that I was involved in its production, though minimally, in case that should matter to you, but this was my general impression of it and what I sent Martin as part of my feedback. I look forward to hearing what others have to say about Early Fallen.

Happy Travellin',
Avenger Enterprises recommends corned beef & potato...
Mmmmmmm... pie
I'm not sure if it's in the free list because it's an Avenger title, not QLI. QLI just sells it; it's not theirs/ours to give away.

Pie is good.

An outline without spoilers:

1202. The RC is at a crossroads. A Moonshadow team is sent to a world outside the Primary AO. They hear a distress call and investigate.

Then ensures probably the most violent adventure written for Traveller. The outcome will affect the course of RC history.

Early Fallen:

More violent than Night of Conquest!
Better survival chances than Twilight's Peak (just)
More historically significant than Death Station!
Cheaper than The Traveller Adventure!

what more could you want?
Oh, and as an added bonus the adventure contains detailed guidelines on how to feed and pacify ravenous Traveller players...
Based on Flynn and MJDs' reply's (thanks to both) it sounds like exactly what I was looking for when I first found this website quite some time ago.

Think I'll just have to buy it and since it's a pdf and will be "sent" electronically I might actually recieve this item from QLI unlike my bought, paid for, and still awaited copy of Diaspora Phoenix, another product that I think I would really like from what I know of it.
You'd have to give me a chance to read it first before i could tell you what it was like
Bought it, figured out how to access it, and have just finished reading through it.

Initial response; Two thumbs up and it's "very Martin".

Well worth the purchase price in my opinion. Although it would require a bit of work to fit it into anything other than an RC campaign, it makes no apologies for that, nor should it. Having said that, I think it would be possible to transpose it to other setting with perhaps the simplist being a border world to any of the emerging empires in the 1248 setting.

Initial dislikes; The action gets "Grand" and the players may find themselves observers rather than participants depending on how each Ref runs it.

The description of the enemy forces seemed to take up a fair amount of space especially as it is almost repeated on the last page. I feel some descriptions of notable npc's might have better filled this page, or several more pages infact, though this does give the Ref a free hand to design and describe these individuals for themselves. I just generally prefer a starting point for npc's atleast.

I'm not currently running a Ref Col game though if I were I'd certainly make use of this scenario/adventure and am allready thinking on how I can run it in the game I am currently running. However my game running style would have to alter abit to accomodate the later parts of this adventure. (not necessarily a bad thing)

To sum up; I'm very glad to have gotten it and feel it bodes well for future adventures and I'm damned pleased to see support for TNE after such a long time. Good show Martin.
Badbru... I think I have a copy of Diaspora Phoenix spare. If you give me a mailing address I'll send you it.
Sounds cool. If I could I would (mind you, I'm trying to be able to "could" - take my meaning, please!). My question is - what's an "AO?"
Sounds cool. If I could I would (mind you, I'm trying to be able to "could" - take my meaning, please!). My question is - what's an "AO?"
AO = Area of Operations. The RC's is core-spinward - primarily into Diaspora.

I can't wait to check this out myself - Although I prefer Regency stuff, I have always had a soft spot for all the work that went into the New Era RC releases. It's great to see something new after all this time.

Now I just need to wait for those paypal funds to transfer...

It could work for a Regency campaign. I think all you'd have to do is set it beyond the border after the border has been opened, and create a little heard about force of pre-recontact reconaissance opperatives that your player's are either part of or are following up on.
I think all you'd have to do is set it beyond the border after the border has been opened, and create a little heard about force of pre-recontact reconaissance opperatives that your player's are either part of or are following up on.
Already working on that.
Two questions before I buy it anyhow...

Is this meant as a stand alone or will there be a contination of the story line? Secondly, was this product promised as Dead Tree or was it something else I was thinking of?
IANMJD (I am not Martin J. Dougherty), but as this is an Avenger product, I do not believe that this has been promised as Dead Tree before, so I assume that you are thinking about something else (like the Gilded Lilly series of adventures).

As to whether or not it may come out in Dead Tree in the future, that's up to Martin and his publishing plans, which he hasn't announced as of yet.

I do believe that there will be other TNE adventures along these lines, of which this is the first, so while Early Fallen can be run as a stand alone, the scenario supplies continuity support for future adventures in the Sufren series.

Hope that helps,
Originally posted by MJD:
Then ensures probably the most violent adventure written for Traveller. The outcome will affect the course of RC history.

Downloaded this one, ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!. If this is what 1248 is going to be like. Bring it on, I can hardly wait! We need more products like this.
Originally posted by MJD:
Badbru... I think I have a copy of Diaspora Phoenix spare. If you give me a mailing address I'll send you it.
MJD, Sent you a PM on this. Does a notice of PM's still flash? I haven't had one for awhile

Kafka, I believe I read somewhere that there is a whole "Road to Sufren" series planned...
(Badbru rubs hands with glee)
I bought this last night. Interesting way of putting together an adventure/module. No mechanics at all. At first I was distressed then realized, wait, there's a whole book of adventure here instead of 15 wasted pages of boilerplate and ship info! It's a good thing!

The thing reads well, then I realized that it was reading well like a short story (Falkenberg?) instead of like a desktop module.

I started looking at it with a more critical eye, trying to see how to use this at the game table as an adventure. Well, it might work, but the PC's sure as heck seem like observers, much like the reader of a story is an observer. No suprise since the author is a fiction writer for Traveller NE in the past, right?

It still might work. I'm reluctant to jump error my PC's into the NE time line just for one adventure, especially one that seems very specific to the era/area.

Maybe I can use it in a 5th Frontier War setting?