IMO, Jump Gates
Jump Portals, IMO are fixed jump engines that allow ships with out Jump Drive to travel between stars.
At first, gates only work one way and are limited to a ship size up to 1000 tons. A gate must be focused/aligned to a partically star/coordinate or the ship gets lost. Each gate is preset to a set jump distance (1-6).
After a few years, gates get variable jump between 1-6.
Orginal gate stats:
Fuel usage is the same no matter size of ship jumping through. So sending either a 100 ton or 2000 ton ship through a G4 gate will take 24000 tons of fuel.
2000 tons of the mass is space for the ship to enter.
Jump Drives must be figured using total JumpGate mass or else the gate will fail (bright enough explosion to be seen through out the star system.)
Ships need a jump net build into the ship but does not need jump engines. This cost 75% and takes 50% of the tonage of a J1 Drive for a ship of the same size.
ie. 200 ton ship would normally require 20 tons of J1 Drive but a jump ship set up to use only Jump Gates would only need 10 tons.
If a ship that has a jump drive it can not have it running or turn it on during the use of the jump gate. The jump gate must be 100 dia from a planetary mass.
G2 is avaible 3 years after G1. G3 is available 2 years after G2. G4 is avaiable 1 year after G3 and G5&G6 are both avaible 1 year after G4 (or G5&G6 are avaible 7 years after G1 comes on line.
After G4 comes avaible R&D starts developing 2 way gates. These gates allow twice the distance of the gate capacity initiating the Jump. Ie. G1 can now send up to a 1000ton ship Jump2 as long as there is a receiving gate at the location.
These gates are designated with a D after the number.
Double Distant Gates:
9+9: Requires 2 model 9 computers working in conjunction
One issue that was a concern in the begining about Gate to Gate jumping was ships exiting while a ship was trying to enter that same gate. For some unexplained reason it never happened.
Gate operaters did discover the following from trial and ERRORS:
1. Never attempt to send more than 1 ship at a time even if the total weight is less than 1000 tons.
2. Always allow minimum of 15 minutes between sendings so that any ships exiting the gate have time to enter space and leave the corridor.
3. Reccomend that max speed entering gate be kept to 3G's. Scrapping the side of a Jump Gate has made ships entering never appear again. In 2 cases the jump gate explode (and ship was never seen/heard from again.
4. Make sure that ships entering gate actually have a jump net or functioning Jump drive hull before allowing them to enter. Ships have never been seen again that do not have one.
5. Never engage the gate when there is any damage to the gate structure. Gates have disappeared (no explosions).
Using gates will allow even space ships (non-starships)to travel between the stars as long as they have a jump net.
Using a G4D or bigger gate will allow greater distances to be covered in the same amount of time. Example a G6D Gate to Gate jump can cover a distance of 12 in one week where a normal J6 would take a min of 3 weeks to make the same trip. (2 weeks jump with 1 week travel+refuelling).
Of course this is all unoffical and just one character's dream.
Dave Chase