Although some tasks are simple success/failure events, the results of most tasks are a grey area with a wide range of results. Depending upon the final result of the die roll, the players not only know if they succeeded, they also know how well they have performed.
-7 Cinematic Failure
-6 Legendary Failure
-5 Spectacular Failure
-4 Devastating Failure
-3 Complete Failure
-2 Regular Failure
-1 Simple Failure
(0) Almost (close)
0 Marginal Success
1 Basic Success
2 Regular Success
3 Complete Success
4 Superior Success
5 Extraordinary Success
6 Spectacular Success
7 Cinematic Success
Understanding Success and Failure
The basic assumption of any task is that you will succeed in any task you attempt. Unfortunately that is not always what happens.
If you get a level 3 success, then you have truly succeeded in whatever endeavour you are trying. If that means you are shooting a gun at something, you have hit the target correctly and have hit it causing the full damage possible with that weapon.
A level 4 and above success level in the same situation means that you have actually hit a vulnerable spot and have caused damage over and above what you would expect with the weapon in question.
A minimal success means that you have barely been able to perform the task. In combat, this means you may have the opponent dive for cover or loose fatigue points.
A regular success means that you have succeeded, but have not been able to capitalize it to the fullest extent. In combat, this means you have wounded your target, but, the target may just shrug off the effects to an extent.
With the levels of failure, a level 0 failure can actually help you learn from your mistakes (and in combat, usually means you have the opponent questioning if they still want to be there).
A simple or regular failure neither has benefits or problems other than you have wasted the time and supplies needed for the task while achieving nothing. Sometimes, a close result or simple failure means you were able to stop before wasting any
A devastating failure may represent a weapon jamming, damage to the equipment or using up extra supplies or time without benefit.
A spectacular or worse failure is truly something you worry about for it represents the worst possible result (and maybe a little worse).
As with all aspects of role-playing, the referee has the final say concerning the effects of any role and how it affects the story.