First of all: I only have the 2nd edition/printing of the T20 Traveller's Handbook; I don't have any of the PDFs and don't know how they differ / have been updated. Plus I don't know of additional rule supplements that exist for T20.
That said, I find the cybernetics section of T20 rather succinct. I am thinking of using the cybernetics rules of D20 Future, along with the bio-droid "race". Anyone done that already? Any comment on doing this (maybe it wouldn't mesh well with T20 rules) ?
That said, I find the cybernetics section of T20 rather succinct. I am thinking of using the cybernetics rules of D20 Future, along with the bio-droid "race". Anyone done that already? Any comment on doing this (maybe it wouldn't mesh well with T20 rules) ?