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Computer Dexterities

OK, you take the table on p. 225 it lists a DEX column which is a dex base score modifier.

Can you tell me where to find the Dex base score of a computer to apply it to ?

Or is it something which should not be there and just there to confuse me MORE (is it possible :confused: )

Originally posted by Fu:
OK, you take the table on p. 225 it lists a DEX column which is a dex base score modifier.

Can you tell me where to find the Dex base score of a computer to apply it to ?

Or is it something which should not be there and just there to confuse me MORE (is it possible :confused: )

IIRC there is no base Dex score since any Dex is totally reliant on manipulators (appendages pg. 243) and logic programming. Like in people it's not so much if you are well educated or quick witted that determines dexterity as much as good motor control (and to an extent awareness via senses, which could translate to sensors for bots, to a degree, like the tactile ones on pg 252).

You have not begun to plumb the depths of confusion! ;) Well seriously the thing really needs to be abosorbed as a whole and then "some" of it makes a little more sense, I think.

Heh, you may be brightening my mood at least by knowing I'm not alone. I may get back into this afterall.
Ooops, as it is less than a column long without a table, I completely missed than section.

I was wondering where it was also

Thanks for pointing it out to me.

Glad I am not alone wondring if it makes sense

Dadnabit far-trader beat on answering another question.

Robots, as far-trader suggested, require dexterity. The Standard Designs Errata for the Traveller's Handbook dated April 30, 2003, on p. 4 shows a corrected, Robot Brain was a little off, Personal Service Robot (Percy) and is an example of Dex.

Originally posted by Fu:
OK, you take the table on p. 225 it lists a DEX column which is a dex base score modifier.

Can you tell me where to find the Dex base score of a computer to apply it to ?

Or is it something which should not be there and just there to confuse me MORE (is it possible :confused: )
