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Communications systems and T20

I'm looking at the section of the Starship design sequence for computers and so forth (p. 263-4). I like the fact that i can pick and choose differet substesm, but I'm a bit uncertain about how to handle commo subsystems.

There isn't a whole lot of description about the Maser and Meson options. If I understand it correctly, these optiosn require larger computers for a given range. For example, if I want a a Very Long Range comm subsystem, I need at least a Model 5 computer. For A Very Long Rnage subsystem with the Maser option, I need a Model 6 computer. For a VL Range system with the Meson option, I need at least a Model 7 computer.

This raises two questions:

1) Can I install multiple commo subsystems with different ranges and options? For example, could I have a Model 4 computer with both a normal Long Range subsystem and a Short Range subsystem with the Meson option?

2) Do subsystems with these optiosn still have regual broadcast radio capability? If so, is it limited to the same range as the Maser or Meson part of the subsystem?
I think that the costs and the energy consumption for multiple systems would be a bit high. Meson systems are the most advanced and a s a result they are also the systems that are, supposedly, more restricted to such things as military craft. I dont think installing tw0o or more systems is a good option, however I dont see why It couldnt be done, and I imagine military vessels may even have such redundant systems.
I'd be willing to pay the extra price. Extra power consumpotion doen't seem to be a factor. Communications subsystems dfon't have power requirements, and you woudn;t necessarily be running both at once.

The reason I ask is that comm ranges for the fancy subsystems are going to are very low, even on ships with mid-sized computers. I'd like to be able to use a standard comm subsystem and reach really useful ranges, while still having the option of covert comms at short range, without needing a massive computer to do it.
HMMMM Im not sure if there is a way for the more advanced systems to not have massive computer support to work. In addition, while I have only been looking into this newer book for a few days, I cant imagine that communication systems dont have power requirements. One thing to consider, assuming you are trying for communication security, is that even communication systems of today have literaly hundreds of channels to operate from. Unless someone has the specific frequency they are unlikely to stumble upon it. You can further enhance this by random frequency changes, which many sophisticated systems already do anyway.