now thats MY kinda game - a real shoot em up MONSTER!!! thats the kind o games that produce legends!!! 33players all armed to the teeth, last man standing is the winner - a 12 hours traveller gun fight - traveller bodies littering the game table - what a mess!! i would like to see the STATS and weapon types ect, ect. yup you got bragging rights!!!! as a GM yuo gotta be GOOD!!!
They started with a 5 ton truck, a deuce and a half, two hummers, an M1 and a M60. I started the group out in town near the command post, and they booked out of town fast when the Division TOC went up.
The M60 got hit while they were breaking through the Soviet tank army encircling Kalisz. That killed 2, and wounded the gunner. While they moved cross country, the girl playing our only medic rolled poorly and it was determined that the only way to save him (the gunner) would be to amputate his leg. Not having much to work with, she chose a chainsaw for the task (she would for ever after, no matter what game, be referred to as Chainsaw). Later there was an accident where the 2-1/2 ton caught fire. One guy was trapped in the cab, stuck because he was wearing a backpack full of Soviet RPG rounds. He couldn't get himself free, and as the fire got closer and closer to him, he started making panic rolls to free himself. The Marine Force Recon Major stood by with his 9mm to put him out of his misery, and at the exact moment he managed to extricate himself yelling "I'm free!", the Major also fired and plugged him square in the forehead.
Then there was the girl who called in mortar fire on her own position. (One of the guys worked in the S2 at his base and had been able to aquire actual military maps for the Kalisz area, so she called in a grid, and it turned out to be her own) She died with the first WP round...that was the only time that night that the mortar crew ever hit their target.
Of course, not all things went poorly for the group. They happened upon a small farmhouse where some soviet deserters were having their way with the lady and her daughters. The Major and some of the Rangers in the group moved in and caught them with their pants down. They left them gagged and bound to chairs in the kitchen and drove away as the women went in with the axe and kitchen knives.
There were others throughout the night that fumbled their grenade tosses, or refused medical care after the M60 tanker had died while being treated earlier.
But even these many years later, I still meet people who played that night who go, "Hey, that was a blast!" or "Hey, remember that Twilight adventure you ran back when.."
Kind of miss the good old days. Not as many people to play with anymore.
Six Actual, Out.