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Combat Rules SOS!!

Any help appreciated with these questions, people, as they are real show-stoppers in our corner of the Galaxy!

(1) page 154 line 13. It says damage from a weapon is reduced by 1 die after the first range increment, etc.
Well, wouldn't that mean that most personnel weapons will do 1-1=0 damage after their first range increment????

(2) The Adjust Speed action. Increase/dec a vehicles speed based on its max acceleration. How about for starships...do you use its maneuver rating (1G, 2G, etc?)

(3) Similarly the Pursuit Action. It says a pursuit is maintained unless target gets away to medium range or speed is 7+ different. What speeds are there for starships. Again, is this referring to maneuver rating..?

(4) Range of starship weapons. If we all you need in the standard ship combat rules are the range bands (close, medium,etc), how come the weapons are listed in km ranges..? Are you supposed to convert them to the necessary band range or something, or am I missing something?

Thanks for your time.
(1) page 154 line 13. It says damage from a weapon is reduced by 1 die after the first range increment, etc.
Well, wouldn't that mean that most personnel weapons will do 1-1=0 damage after their first range increment????
I think that is meant for laser weapons, which do more than one die of damage as base. Plasma and fusion weapons already have a damage reduction in them based on range (described in the weapon descriptions).