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Combat Rounds to Jump?

I am trying to determine how many combat rounds it will take for a Luxury Liner crew to escape from Pirates by entering Jump. The steps listed on p. 354 are
1. Jump plot is generated
2. Powerplant brought to Jump readiness
3. Jump plot is fed to navigational computer
4. Jump drive is brought to readiness
5. Jump drive begins to fast-burn its Jump fuel, developing high levels of power
6. Jump grid is charged
7. Astrogator or Captain gives final Jump command
8. Jump field is formed
9. Vessel enters Jumpspace

It takes a Pilot one combat round to make a Jump Plot, and I assume that step 2 can be done within the same combat round. I assume that step 3 can be done instantaneously, once the correct Plot has been determined. Not sure about the rest of the steps.

By the way, where can I find information regarding the Jump Grid and the Jump field?

If the ship is hit while the Jump Grid is being charged, is there a table for these effects? How about hitting the Jump Field?

They're all good questions.

I'll try to answer. Book two tells us that a ship leaving jumpspace must remain in normal space for 60 minutes before the jump drive can be activated again. A ship that just left the port can activate its j-drive as soon as it reaches the 100 planetray diameter limit. This means that the number of rounds 'till jump Depends on how fast a ship can get to the jump point. If ,as in your example, a liner enters a system and finds a pirate in it , The liner must fight off the pirate for 60 minutes. As book two combat rounds are ten minutes long, Said liner must hold off said pirate for SIX combat rounds before the jump drive can be activated again...........
Hope this helps :D
Only comment i can make on your question right now is that I would hope the piolot is not the only person that knows how to prime up the system. activateing the system should be doable by any one that has fimilarity with the ship. cut that corner and you drop the time down by a round for the pilot.
I can't remember which system it was in. T4, new era, or classic, but I remember reading somewhere that if you took more than 50% of you max damage then you could not jump. I am still looking in the books to find it.
Originally posted by Charles Godfrey:
I am trying to determine how many combat rounds it will take for a Luxury Liner crew to escape from Pirates by entering Jump. The steps listed on p. 354 are
1. Jump plot is generated
2. Powerplant brought to Jump readiness
3. Jump plot is fed to navigational computer
4. Jump drive is brought to readiness
5. Jump drive begins to fast-burn its Jump fuel, developing high levels of power
6. Jump grid is charged
7. Astrogator or Captain gives final Jump command
8. Jump field is formed
9. Vessel enters Jumpspace

It takes a Pilot one combat round to make a Jump Plot, and I assume that step 2 can be done within the same combat round. I assume that step 3 can be done instantaneously, once the correct Plot has been determined. Not sure about the rest of the steps.

By the way, where can I find information regarding the Jump Grid and the Jump field?

If the ship is hit while the Jump Grid is being charged, is there a table for these effects? How about hitting the Jump Field?

I'm not sure how much relevence this has for T20 but using the High Guard rules a ship, "must expend energy points equal to two turns output from a power plant whose number is equal to the jump being attempted." Since a turn in High Guard combat equals 20 minutes this will take 40 minutes to accomplish assuming PP rating = Jump distance. It is possible under the HG rules to do this in one turn (20 minutes) if your PP rating is at least double the desired jump distance but if you can't provide the required power in 2 turns you cannot jump.