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Collapsible fuel tanks?


Stupid question follows:

It seems I've misplaced the rules for collapsible fuel tanks. (Too much Traveller junk around here!) Does anyone at CotI happen to know what their cost and empty displacement would be, per ton of capacity?

Many thanks.

They vary a bit from edition to edition, but the collapsible tanks in Trillion Credit Squadron cost 500Cr per ton, and take up cargo space equal to 1% of their full tonnage when collapsed.
Well I just went looking for it. I though they were in Supp-7 but I don't see them there, only demountable tanks. MegaTraveller has them costing Cr472.5 per DTon (Cr35 per KL) and taking up no space while empty. They aren't in LBB2 or LBB5 and I don't see them in T20. Not in Supp-7 or 9. Of all places. OK here are the rules, paraphrased.

CT Collapsible Tanks. They take up space in the ship's main cargo hold. Empty they take up 1% of their full tonnage. Fuel must be pumped out of the collapsible tanke to the main tanks to be used. Cost Cr500 per ton.

Source: Adventure 5 Trillion Credit Squadron, Page 13.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
They vary a bit from edition to edition, but the collapsible tanks in Trillion Credit Squadron cost 500Cr per ton, and take up cargo space equal to 1% of their full tonnage when collapsed.
Damn Sigg! You snuck in while i had the books and reply box open.
Okay, cool, thanks guys. :cool: I've TCS close at hand, just didn't think to look there. That'll work, and the crew of the Surly Vulture thanks you.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
They vary a bit from edition to edition, but the collapsible tanks in Trillion Credit Squadron cost 500Cr per ton, and take up cargo space equal to 1% of their full tonnage when collapsed.
Those rules would also work for T20.
Per Referee's Manual (MT) Craft design section page 83: Special Fuel Tankage... Collapsible Tanks costs Cr 35 per kiloliter Take no space when empty.
I thought it reasonable reasonable to use .1% when empty. Also I estimated .1 ton weight per displacement ton of tankage.