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Classless T20?


Ancient - Absent Friend
I'm working on some rules for running T20 without classes. These rules should also work with characters created under the existing class rules.

I need about a half-dozen victi...er volunteers to help me try to break em.

You'll have to create various characters using the system and compare them to what should be the class level equivalents, etc.

You are looking for obvious ways to exploit the rules and suggest ways to fix it.

You are looking for obvious problems in equality of power and ability compared to the class system.

Please respond to this thread if you are interested and willing to put the time in on this.

I'll close the thread when I have enough folks interested. If we need more I'll reopen it.

BTW, if you were a credited playtester on the Traveller's Handbook, you already have access to this material in the Private Playtest area. Let me know if you have problems getting in.


I'd be interested, but I'm not familiar with the T20 rules, so that counts me out.

May I suggest reworking the feats system to make certain feats (e.g. dodge, vessel, armor proficiency) into skills, and if necessary make certain skills (though I can't think of any) into feats?
heck ill volenteer.... i got a couple of hours in the day that i should be able to mess around with it. we also have an active game going on so ill be able to do some comparisson usage and practiacal application of said generated characters durring game play to see how character advancement goes. :D
I can help out if needed. I have a fair bit of spare time at the mo so if you need something broken, sorry, carefully evaluated I'm available.
I'd like to help out, I'm GMing T20 now, and I must have the most min/maxing players around - so if I just think like them I'm sure I'll find the breaking point.
Okay, I'm concerned.

Why are we deviating from the known class-level rules? Is this simply a variant rules or a major change in the next edition of Traveller20?

Originally posted by Reginald:
Okay, I'm concerned.

Why are we deviating from the known class-level rules? Is this simply a variant rules or a major change in the next edition of Traveller20?

A variant option that will be present in a future publication (if it works). A fair number of folks don't like classes, so if we can come up with a system that allows for creating and developing characters without using them, but remain fairly close in power and ability to their classed counterparts, we can (hopefully) satisfy both.

Sorry to worry you! Call it an experiment ;)

I sent an email to folks who have already volunteered letting you know how to access the file. You'll get two copies of the email because I forgot to include a subject line in the first one. Sorry about that.

I'm open to a couple more volunteers and then I'll close this down.

Originally posted by hunter:
I sent an email to folks who have already volunteered letting you know how to access the file. You'll get two copies of the email because I forgot to include a subject line in the first one. Sorry about that.

I'm open to a couple more volunteers and then I'll close this down.

I'd be very interested in trying the variant rules, as I think it would be fantastic to have a class- and level-less T20. But I do have a question: aren't classes and levels required for D20 derivatives?
I just started a new Traveller campaign last month (after an 18 year absence), but nixed the T20 version after we put 4 hours into character creation without finishing a single one. After going back to CT though, a couple of players complained about the lack of skills, career options, etc. (I still need a copy of Sup 4). As T20 newbies who only play every other week, we're probably not the best choice for a playtest group, but I think classless characters would be a big improvement over the current system. Fixing the lack of incentive for anyone to take fewer than 7 terms would also help.

If you're still looking for ideas, I'd recommend a look at D20 Call of Cthulhu's classless system. I'd also think about dropping basic attack bonuses in favor of weapon skills for small arms (like what you did with the Gunnery skill). Come to think of it, maybe I'll try something like that on my own.
If it is not too late, I would like in.

Several years exp breaking down systems and seeing how they would handle actual players.

How should I/you contact you/me?

I was out of town this weekend. I have always preferred a skill-based classless system and have played Traveller in all of its forms since the late eighties.

If you still need playtesters, I am very interested.

my email is mactaka@yahoo.com
Like I said, what about a feat-less, classles T20 system? If you worked up one of those I'd be interested and possibly available - just give a clearer explanation of how leveling up works in prior history.