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City of the Future

Minority Report seemed a bit *too* washed out for me. That worked for recreating 1940's scenes but looked too grey in the future. After a while almost everything starting blending together for me.

Metropolis (either the original or the recent anime version)

bits of Star Wars esp. Trantor...I mean Coruscant

Neo-Tokyo 3 / Geofront from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neo-Vienna - Vienna 1864 recreated in nigh-perfect looking detail except using high-TL gadgets and materials when it is possible to disguise them. Neo-Traditionalist Movement goodness.

For run-down sections or startowns, Bladerunner.

The core worlds in Firefly.

Imagine the pyramids of ancient Egypt--now multiply by 100--add light panels, terraces with hanging gardens--top it off with a hel-pad/grav landing area and surround it all by parkland.

Slums look like downtown in any of many metropolis today (New York, Chicago, L.A., Mexico City, Paris, etc.) Now place a pyramid over it supported by huge concrete-like supports so that the sky and all its light and weather is blotted out--perpetual twilight.

Originally posted by eiladayn:
Imagine the pyramids of ancient Egypt--now multiply by 100--add light panels, terraces with hanging gardens--top it off with a hel-pad/grav landing area and surround it all by parkland.

Sounds great to me. If you like condos.

Slums look like downtown in any of many metropolis today (New York, Chicago, L.A., Mexico City, Paris, etc.) Now place a pyramid over it supported by huge concrete-like supports so that the sky and all its light and weather is blotted out--perpetual twilight.

Of couse the slumps are not under the pryamid structure but out in nature.
For all its misgivings, one world IMTU is heavily modeled after the "Judge Dredd" city scape.

I also borrow liberally from "Blade Runner", "The Fifth Element", and some of the skylines from the "Privateer" game too.
Shadow Bear,

No, No, the slums ARE under the pyramid structures as these were the original cities built over by the pyramid arcologies I described. The pyramidic arcologies replaced these older structures, but some folks refused to move to the new structures for various reasons, not enough money to afford the newer housing or too stubborn to give up their older way of life, or perhaps their life of crime would not fit in in the newer more closely monitored society of the arcology--whatever.

However it goes--the arcologies were built right over the older city, any building rising more than four stories was truncated by the new structure. Its supported by myriad supporting columns below the pyramid which house the physical plants--power, etc.

Sorry my first post wasn't clearer.

A second thought for a futuristic city comes from the work of Marshall T. Savage who wrote a book called "The Millennial Project, Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps". Mr Marshall's plan for an ocean city called Aquarius is perhaps my favorite. Its essentially a hexagonal floating island above a cluster of OTEC's (Ocean Thermal Energy Converter) with an arcology centered on the floating island surrounded by terraced gardens and parkland slowly descending to the surrounding fish pens and breakwater. The arcology is a central tower about 1000 feet tall surrounded by an arcology perhaps 500 feet tall each of which is a nested hexagon. He theorizes building the city with the "seacrete" mineral by products of his OTEC cluster--pretty cool. :cool:

A second thought for a futuristic city comes from the work of Marshall T. Savage who wrote a book called "The Millennial Project, Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps". Mr Marshall's plan for an ocean city called Aquarius is perhaps my favorite.
Pappy [/QB]
Interesting book, perfect idea for wet & water worlds.
Bladerunner and Coruscant are still favourites though.