• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Character Sheet


The character sheet states that Str is used for melee attacks instead of Dex.
The rules are clear but this could cause confusion.
Originally posted by Takei:
The character sheet states that Str is used for melee attacks instead of Dex.
The rules are clear but this could cause confusion.
Yup, we have that flagged to be fixed. I would have changed it in the PDF itself, but it added a whopping 600kb to the file size when I tried it! I decided to post it as is rather than bloat the file, at least until I can get an updated sheet from Patrick.

Originally posted by hunter:
Yup, we have that flagged to be fixed. I would have changed it in the PDF itself, but it added a whopping 600kb to the file size when I tried it! I decided to post it as is rather than bloat the file, at least until I can get an updated sheet from Patrick.

600kb????? Good call.
Originally posted by Takei:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by hunter:
Yup, we have that flagged to be fixed. I would have changed it in the PDF itself, but it added a whopping 600kb to the file size when I tried it! I decided to post it as is rather than bloat the file, at least until I can get an updated sheet from Patrick.

600kb????? Good call.[/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]Yeah I couldn't believe it! That 'Touch-up Text' feature in Adobe Acrobat is useful but sheesh!

Originally posted by hunter:
Yeah I couldn't believe it! That 'Touch-up Text' feature in Adobe Acrobat is useful but sheesh!
Did you try to "Save as..." the file instead of just "Save"-ing it? The former will at least try to optimise the file, while the latter won't. Text Touch-up does tend to bloat, though 600k seems a bit extreme.
If I may add an observation... I am not surprised. I don't know if it's a windows thing or what but I have the same problem with MS Word and PowerPoint. I routinely have to just copy/paste everything from the old into a new document to get rid of all the bloat the programs will save.

I do have all the "fast save" options turned off but I still can't get rid of the problem.
Just two points really, one question and one observation.

Observation first: the skills section seems a bit arbitrary when it comes to the allocation of spaces for Cascade skills. Particularly Pilot, which most scouts will probably have 2 or 3 (Starships, Grav Vehicles and possibly Spacecraft).

Question: The Skill lists the Max ranks as Lvl+3(/2). The rules in T20 aren't explicit, but the PHB states Lvl+3 not half level +3. Is this a T20 thing or have I missed the point?