• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Canada's Capitol


Any T20'ers in Ottawa?

I am interested in at least checking it out.

Let me know (bored and in need of Traveller)
Actually, any version of Traveller!

I would like to run again. I have some great stuff set in Gateway (the information from Travellers Digest)

'Nuff said?
Originally posted by MT++:
Any T20'ers in Ottawa?

I am interested in at least checking it out.

Let me know (bored and in need of Traveller)
Hi, MT++!
Actually, I was thinking of running some T20 at CanGames on the Victoria Day Weekend. Are there any others out there that would be interested?

Paul Nemeth
Canada has a capitol?

next thing your going to tell me you have a national anthem too.... :confused:

ok, SAY you do actually have a capitol...I'm not going to acknowledge it's existence untill you bring back...


i miss my vacations to possum lodge....

Originally posted by kafka47:

Forget North Korea! Fear the Great White North! Canadians are strategically placed to bring down America...[/QB]
We also posted 80% of our Great and Proud Citizens less than 300 Km from the US Border, so BEWARE

Hi, MT++!
Actually, I was thinking of running some T20 at CanGames on the Victoria Day Weekend. Are there any others out there that would be interested?

Paul Nemeth
I would definitely think so!

Ever play Fifth Frontier War?
I am thinking of setting up my game (outisde of Cangames) on a Saturday or a Sunday (no set date)
Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
[QB]Canada has a capitol?

Err...Are you sure that the United States checked if Canada returned all nuclear weapons that NORAD/NATO had stationed in the far North (read: Canada)?

Forget North Korea! Fear the Great White North! Canadians are strategically placed to bring down America...
Originally posted by Sandman:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by kafka47:

Forget North Korea! Fear the Great White North! Canadians are strategically placed to bring down America...
We also posted 80% of our Great and Proud Citizens less than 300 Km from the US Border, so BEWARE

:D [/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]LOL...only because YOU know better than to stray TOO FAR from civilization and our guiding light.

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Canada is now on DefCon One, expect cold wintery weather for the Northern part of the United States. In the disruption our agents within the communications infrastructure will seize control over facilities and evict Ted Turner from AOL-Time/Warner.

Plus, other Canadian agents are standing by. Canadian Tire stores will be now open 24hrs, in certain locations to accomodate the Southern push during Operation March Break whereby we will create paralysis into the American economy by introducing Canadian currency into the Southern States.

Damn, did I just say all that out loud?
Originally posted by kafka47:
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Canada is now on DefCon One, expect cold wintery weather for the Northern part of the United States. In the disruption our agents within the communications infrastructure will seize control over facilities and evict Ted Turner from AOL-Time/Warner.

Plus, other Canadian agents are standing by. Canadian Tire stores will be now open 24hrs, in certain locations to accomodate the Southern push during Operation March Break whereby we will create paralysis into the American economy by introducing Canadian currency into the Southern States.

Damn, did I just say all that out loud?
but kafka47,
your half way around the world from canada, they're no threat to you, (unless the atlantic freezes over)... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
but kafka47,
your half way around the world from canada, they're no threat to you, (unless the atlantic freezes over)... :rolleyes:
Well, if you consider that we had two weeks of under -20C temps in Montreal, maybe the Atlantic's not too far from being frozen solid
I'd love to play, but I'm on the south side of the border. Which city is Canada's capital, anyway? (Disturbing that I don't know that...)
Originally posted by Sandman:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
but kafka47,
your half way around the world from canada, they're no threat to you, (unless the atlantic freezes over)... :rolleyes:
Well, if you consider that we had two weeks of under -20C temps in Montreal, maybe the Atlantic's not too far from being frozen solid

(TNS)In a stunning move, the normally docile nation-state of Cananda stunned the world by launching a premptive invasion of europe over a frozen atlantic ice-bridge that formed well south of the artic circle due to an unuasually colder than average winter weather. The appearant goal of the invasion, to annex the czech republic...etc,etc...
Canadian agents long ago neutralized the American threat in the Czech Republic. We simply had Bill Clinton go back on his promises of getting rid of NAFTA and Canadian style healthcare. This plus unemployment of Gen X caused a mass migration of Americans to Czech Republic, where they thought they could teach English...

Here Canadian and Czech agents convinced them that Socialism with a Human Face was a good thing...(despite Klaus' rhetoric, he is a closet Social Democrat) and used mind altering drugs (read: damn fine Czech Beer) to convince Americans of the error of their ways. Combined with some of the most beautiful women on the planet...

We secretly allowed these Americans to go back and be moles until the Generation shift or the signal that Canada would send. Now, just wait... Today, America. Tomorrow the World. Or at least, a Harvey's burger is much better than McDonalds...Ba-Ha-Ha.

BTW, the capital of Canada is Ottawa.

What more, Shakespeare, notwithstanding, Bohemia does not have a coastline. Making sea assault rather difficult.
Mmm, Ottowa. Maybe I'll go there some day - after I get rich and around the time I visit the Czech Republic.
Originally posted by Nurd_boy:

(TNS)In a stunning move, the normally docile nation-state of Cananda stunned the world by launching a premptive invasion of europe over a frozen atlantic ice-bridge that formed well south of the artic circle due to an unuasually colder than average winter weather. The appearant goal of the invasion, to annex the czech republic...etc,etc...
If you want a good laugh: http://www.standonguard.com/

Canadian World Domination Headquarters
(There was many clueless ppl replying in their feedback pages, but I can't seem to find it now :/)
Umm folks can we keep things on topic? This is the Recruiting Office for folks looking for other players in their area, NOT the Random Static forum.

Only reaso I can't play in Ottowa is my being from Massachusetts. You do have my full moral support, though.
What is the Traveller equivalent of Canada, anyway? :D

Paul Nemeth

p.s. I'd like to get a few more volunteers..., so anyone else interested in T20 in Ottawa in May? It'll be warmer, I promise!