The VDS powerplant system is enterly abstract. Choose a type (normal, exotic, dangerous, suicidal) which determines basic power output per unit of power plant. The select a type of fuel (normal, exotic, dangerous, suicidal) which determines fuel consumption of the plant. You can map this onto FF&S more concrete power system though I've never tried.
The other thing to keep in mind about using VDS/3G3 is they are desined to use the CORPS system, and contain a great number of assumptions about the game system used for the stuff constructed using the system. For example, the ratings of the sensor systems assume the CORPS skill system is being used.
On the other hand, Greg Porter, author of both FF&S2 and VDS may, if you agree to pay him, would be more than happy to readapt the VDS back into the new version of Traveller for you.