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Best adventures for T20


I'm just starting out w/ T20 and would like to find out from others: What 1 or 2 adventures/modules/nuggets/etc. would folks here consider the best to use for T20 as a start to a campaign?

It would not have to be Traveller specific (although a great Traveller storyline would be nice). And I'm looking for published material (printed or online form).

Anything from CT, MT, G:T, eras or other settings that would not require a whole deal of revision to fit in w/ T20. Also, the plot would be enhanced if there are detailed areas where the adventure took place.

As an example, I thought some of the original Star Frontiers (TSR) modules did a decent job with a bit of tweaking.
I suggest you start with the free Linkworlds Cluster mini-campaign available free on the TravellerRPG.com site. You can download it here.

By the time you get through with that, the Gateway Domain source book should be released, and you'll be set to expand your campaign.
I have some old Spacemaster modules that I've pulled tidbits from, not to mention some station floor plans.
I'm playing the Traveller Adventure and it looks pretty easy to convert. So far (2 sessions) it has gone very well...we are still in the first chapter. Hopefully, I'll be able to consistently post to a story hour here on these boards.

Click here to see the beginnings...
I've got some Shadowrun adventures that I think will be a good starting point. Oh, sure, the magic has to go, but I was going to do that with my Shadowrun campaign, anyway. ;)

It always seemed to me that Travellers and Shadowrunners frequently fell into the same kinds of jobs.
I looked in my FFE copies of the Classic Books, Adventures and Supplements and see no record of The Traveller Adventure. I wonder why it was not included; in a future supplement possibly?

In any case, I will take a look at the free Linkworlds Cluster mini-campaign that was mentioned.

I finally got to read through the Linkworlds Cluster and must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great use of a variety of skills for the campaign and open-ended enough to interject one's own designs or other pre-existing adventures into it. I will hopefully get started w/ my gaming group using this material as a start.

Great job by Martin & Hunter to release this product for the fans.
I've played through my own translation of the CT double module "Chamax Plague". It worked out pretty well.

Hope this helps,
"Once and future Emperor" from the TNE rulebook is good fun. With a bit of work it could be used on an isolated/interdicted planet fairly easily.


a) Friendly Forces: eight people from CoTI from hawaii to germany interested in playing traveller
b) enemy forces: Different time zones; spam bots for ⌧ sites;open door site on line, e-cruisers and rude people to distract players with.

II. Mission: "To play Traveller in a setting all were familiar with."

III. Execution:
A)Scheme of manuever:Gamers from varied gaming backgrounds: T20 chosen, cuz we all were learning it.

B)A military-esque campaign, using a portion of the OTU --the penal units of the Imperial navy/Imp. Marines in the eve of the 5th frontier war in a Black Ops Q-ship.

C) terrain/Weather considerations/etc: setting in 1105, golden era; Spinward marches (had most material on it anywhere; All the above were familiar with it.

IV. Command & SIgnals:
Round robin technique of rotating GM's/players in on line setting. Roleplaying a must. First person dialogue styled. Italics for any PC action. Use of Away/ signalled PC/player not on stage.
OOC- for Out of character statements at alltimes

V. Service & Support.
A site built for the game, added and embellished by all the gamers of the ship's crew.

essentially, this was my Op-plan, as many of us had adventured in the LBB's, and we had either seen it/ or read it, if it was in print. the challenge was to use the knowledge in such a way already known, but present it from the lowest denominators in Imperial servcie: the motley crew of expendable penal shipmen/ marines, danged if they did, danged if they didn't.

So we created our own adventure...and its still "rolling hot."
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

So we created our own adventure...and its still "rolling hot."
Very cool!

Where can I get transcripts? Eve of 5th Frontier War has lots of Black Ops!

Have they run into "The Eye and the Hand" (Tozjbar) yet ?
Originally posted by JTSmythe:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

So we created our own adventure...and its still "rolling hot."
Very cool!

Where can I get transcripts? Eve of 5th Frontier War has lots of Black Ops!

Have they run into "The Eye and the Hand" (Tozjbar) yet ?
Mr JT SMythe:
The transcripts/synopsis of the adventures are posted here on the "Random Static page", under ISS URSULA, and the first 6 adventurous sessions began Online, posted (same page) under Story Hour-Lonestar RPG-Liam.

Some readers comments and gamers comments are also answered there as well.

And no, we haven't done *any* of the pubbed adventures- weaving a tapestry just from the past histories alone, and the ship's mission getting betrayed by both sides (the ZHo are after us/ and the INI who set us up for failure, are after us).
And we're the good guys, this scurvy crew of cutthroats and penal battalion expendables! Ironic, isn't it?

"All that glitters is not gold. Fair is foul, and foul is fair."
Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
"Without great players, there can be no great GM's. The reverse, is also true"-Liam Devlin
Hmm.... Quoting yourself Liam? Hmm... ;)

Tisn't bragging if ye can do it, Oh heretic in training! ;)
Besides, I hear good things about the new stuff coming out for T20...TA-5 sounds like a bang up job adventure. :eek: Oh more modest one than me! ;)
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Besides, I hear good things about the new stuff coming out for T20...TA-5 sounds like a bang up job adventure. :eek: Oh more modest one than me! ;)

Don't say stuff like that Liam - it may not live up to public scrutiny!!! Oh, the worry... ;)

Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Don't say stuff like that Liam - it may not live up to public scrutiny!!! Oh, the worry... ;) Shane
At the risk of repeating myself: "It ain't bragging if ye can do it" lad. :cool: I'll have to order in advance to beat the crush, methinks! ;)