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Battledress Cost and Design Errata


After some discussion in the Q&A forums, we've decided this is a definite mistake-

Battledress appendages are listed as costing Cr51,000. This is incorrect. They should only cost Cr20,000. This lowers the cost of Battledress accordingly by KCr62.

Now I can get back to making new designs without being horribly, horribly confused. Hooray!
Evening apoc527,

I just read your reply on the Q&A board and wish to say thanks, I hope that my input has a positive affect. (Hopefully, I selected the right word when I did't select effect. I keep getting them confused even after looking them up in a dictionary for clarification.) Following the quote is sort of a question about the appendage cost.

Originally posted by apoc527:
After some discussion in the Q&A forums, we've decided this is a definite mistake-

Battledress appendages are listed as costing Cr51,000. This is incorrect. They should only cost Cr20,000. This lowers the cost of Battledress accordingly by KCr62.

Now I can get back to making new designs without being horribly, horribly confused. Hooray!
Wouldn't the cost listed above be KCr20/appendage for a total appendage cost of KCr40. (Technically I have not borken the statement I made about making any further posts on this topic.
Yep, you're exactly right. But since each appendage is listed as costing KCr51, reducing the cost to KCr20 is a KCr31 savings per limb, and for two limbs, reduces the cost by the aforementioned KCr62.

I should have clarified that.