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Automatic SOC benefits?


If someone is, say, SOC 18 at character creation, but they don't choose the noble class, should they be noble anyway? For that matter, is SOC an instant way of fitting people into Imperial society regardless of class choice at any SOC level?

What are the class benefits of SOC - do they confer instant officer grades as I allow for OTC graduates (O1)? Should a Duke begin play at O2 or O3, or should his Duchy lower the Rank Promo DC somehow (perhaps by the ability modifier for SOC)?
Originally posted by scurry:
If someone is, say, SOC 18 at character creation, but they don't choose the noble class, should they be noble anyway? For that matter, is SOC an instant way of fitting people into Imperial society regardless of class choice at any SOC level?

What are the class benefits of SOC - do they confer instant officer grades as I allow for OTC graduates (O1)? Should a Duke begin play at O2 or O3, or should his Duchy lower the Rank Promo DC somehow (perhaps by the ability modifier for SOC)?
They could be a planetary noble as opposed to an Imperial noble.

As for "instant officer", I'd say no. If he does goes OTC and goes Imperial Navy, I'd give him the Soc benefit, or some bonus, on promotion rolls.
Originally posted by scurry:
If someone is, say, SOC 18 at character creation, but they don't choose the noble class, should they be noble anyway? For that matter, is SOC an instant way of fitting people into Imperial society regardless of class choice at any SOC level?
Like eclipse has posted, this person ould be planetary nobility (with a -2 SOC drop outside the subsector/system what have you. AT least Thats how I would treat that.).
Then again, maybe they're not a noble but say a famous person--celebrity type?! Famous Holovid producer? Rockstar/Entertainer/ Big Game Hunter with his/her own Vid show...Athlete?! (Trav sports!); religious leader/ member; Corporate big wig...they command respect too.
Back to the planetary Nobleman/woman tho...He/She might be a real swinger locally, but in the vast Impeium, just another yokel from his subsector./quadrant/Sector. You as GM determine how big a ripple his/her SOC-18 is gonna make outside his Pond, in the big sea of the Imperium.
What are the class benefits of SOC - do they confer instant officer grades as I allow for OTC graduates (O1)? Should a Duke begin play at O2 or O3, or should his Duchy lower the Rank Promo DC somehow (perhaps by the ability modifier for SOC)?
High SOC means automatic commissioning, should he get accepted & survive the school, at least in MTU, that is. Wih an Outstanding success roll (4 + or more needed to clinch it) than I'd O-2 him/her. Just a suggestion. But I'd do that for anyone who made such a roll meself. Keeps everyone from sayin-he got it cuz of his/her birth!
Soc represents social skills and the "strata" that the character is used to. So a SOC 18 charcater is used to kicking arround with Barons and knows the appropriate small talk. Chances are they are a "younger son" unless they have an actual title.

It doesn't give them any "game" effect other than that covered in the lists. If the character wants to spend the bulk of their time being "idle rich" then they take ranks as a "noble". If they want to Join a service, then they should go to university (to do OTC).

If they don't go to Uni (or fail OTC) then they can end up serving as a ranker for a couple of years. I imagine that their family will put a lot of pressure on them to quit and go back to Uni (try OTC with a different service)

IMTU only players who have a Noble rank will have an actual title - and I will be very hesitant to let someone with a title above Knight join a service - Nobles should spend their efforts rulling rather than serving. If they are a younger son with Soc but no title (ie they haven;t taken any Soc Rank yet) then go for it.

What this represents : Captain Blaine (Soc 18) went to Uni, OTC (IMTU pass gives you Soc+1) and joined the navy as an officer - served well for 4 terms (Did a Doctorate in Naval Tactics - Soc +1)and then his older brother died. Blaine now takes a level as noble.

Blaine is now forced to quit the Navy and take up his duties as the Marquis Blaine. During the final term, he will be refered to as Captain Blaine Marquis of Earls Court.

at least IMTU
The Mink:

I am not sure if I agree about nobles being in the military. Look at "modern" nobles today. Just about all the British and other European families: all of the Princes seem to hold a commission or two, and not always that high up (Captain's and the like).

Do you have a problem with characters having social rank? I would think it is less useful than it might normally be given some of Traveller's premises: it's hard to call on papa or mama for help or to be safe in your nobility when you are 60 light years from home and influence.
<Parry Riposte>

But MTU is closer to the Co-Dominium from Niven et al or Honor Harringon's Haven - so I have nobles with a tradition of service (all younger sons serve in the military somewhere)

The nobles seem an extension of the social structure that way.