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Autodocs & supplies



This may be a bit basic, but P217 of THB notes supplies for an Autodoc as costing Cr100,000. How long do the supplies (Cr100,000) for an Autodoc last, i.e., how many days'/weeks'/months' operation? Tx! - Bill

There is nothing in the Errata on this, but I would say that the supplies are good for 5-50 uses of the autodoc.

Each Cr100,000 buys 50 units of medical treatment.

Heal all stamina and 1d4 lifeblood: 1 unit
Neutralize poison: 1 unit
Increase natural healing of lifeblood: 2 units (See pg 218)
Broken Bones: 3 units
Minor Surgery: 4 units
Routine Surgery: 5 units
Serious Surgery: 6 units
Major Surgery: 7 units
Reanimation: 10 units
Broad Spectrum Anti-Toxin is available.

I'm not sure why they added a different chart for DCs with the autodoc. The entry states it has a T/Medical skill of 12 (and it has to have the surgery feat). Just use the DCs from the Medical Care chart right above it in the THB. :D Or to make the DCs match, give the autodoc a +5 bounus.


is there a listing for just renting the autodoc or bringing someone in for reanimation or surgery.

thanks, everbody for the help steve
Originally posted by TravTechFive:
Each Cr100,000 buys 50 units of medical treatment.

Heal all stamina and 1d4 lifeblood: 1 unit
Neutralize poison: 1 unit
Increase natural healing of lifeblood: 2 units (See pg 218)
Broken Bones: 3 units
Minor Surgery: 4 units
Routine Surgery: 5 units
Serious Surgery: 6 units
Major Surgery: 7 units
Reanimation: 10 units
Broad Spectrum Anti-Toxin is available.
++Good! This is the sort of thing I was wondering about. Your numbers will be open to interpretation by individual GMs but the method has the right "feel" to it, i.e., one can manage the autodoc without getting into the details of what fluids need replenishing when...

I'm not sure why they added a different chart for DCs with the autodoc. The entry states it has a T/Medical skill of 12 (and it has to have the surgery feat). Just use the DCs from the Medical Care chart right above it in the THB. :D Or to make the DCs match, give the autodoc a +5 bounus.
Agreed. There seem to be a few spots like this -where system rules conflict with item-specific rules. In general the system rules (e.g., Medical Care chart) seem to do a better job (e.g., than Autodoc DCs)...
