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Ask Avery


Ancient - Absent Friend
I've just finished negotiating a deal with a reputable Imperial historian known as Avery who has agreed to share with us his sizable body of knowledge relating to the Imperium and Traveller in general.

I will collect questions from fans each month and then present a limited number of them to Avery for answers. I will post his responses on the TravellerRPG.com website.

So if you have a Traveller or Imperium question that you can't find anywhere, or want to find out of the rumors you have heard are true, send your questions to me care of AskAvery@TravellerRPG.com. Please confine your questions to the history and canon of Traveller and the Imperium rather than question on rules from specific rule sets.

Previous answers will be placed in an archive for future reference.

I do have one meta-question: Why has Avery pulled back from the forums. When I started here, Avery seemed to contribute regularly. Now he is completely gone and you proxy for him. What happened?

I realize it is probably none of my business, but I was just curious ...
There's a few things on my mind, but I'll keep it short-

What was going on with Oberlines and drop tanks at the start of the 5th Frontier War? From the TNS archives, it seems that the corp was a little "disloyal", and the Navy taught them a lesson?
Originally posted by daryen:
I do have one meta-question: Why has Avery pulled back from the forums. When I started here, Avery seemed to contribute regularly. Now he is completely gone and you proxy for him. What happened?

I realize it is probably none of my business, but I was just curious ...
Sounds like one to 'Ask Avery'...
