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Archery, Jousting, and Spearchucking.

I've done my searches, check my archives, and asked around my local gaming stores and clubs. What I am trying to determine is the answer to the following question:

"What do the attack and damage matrices look like for Longbow, Shortbow, Crossbow, Ballista Catapult, and other notary sojac involving pre-gunpowder missile weapons?"

I run Traveller under Classic rules. I don't have any of the following:
- Traveller's Aides,
- Spinward Marches Campaign books,
- FLGS, or
- LBB's[/u];

I also don't have all the canonical CT adventures, and I'm not interested in an esoteric (non-canonical) D&D to CT conversion formulae or in converting MTU from CT to GURPS or d20. I'd just like to see what treatment Marc Miller has done on these archaic weapons.

There are times where a slingstone smashing into the faceplate of a TL8 Vacc Suit on a world with a poisonous atmosphere would be as effective (and quieter) than a shotgun blast at fifty meters - dead is dead, in either case.

And a merchant prince who takes an arrow in the back of the head during trade negotiations is just as wounded (or dead) as if he had been shot in the head with a laser.

I need to teach some hot-shot, hardware-laden, bohunk player characters that for all their high-tech gadgetry, armor and weapons, they can still be taken out by a TL3 hunter using a TL1 weapon.
Supplement 4 contained rules for hand-held archaic weapons (e.g. bows). They were included for the Barbarian career.

They may have appeared elsewhere, but that is where I know them from.
From T4: Emperor's Arsenal:

Bow TL1
Damage: 2
Range: Contact
Shots: 1
Mass: 1.8kg
Reloads: .2kg
Cost: Cr60

Heavy Crossbow TL1
Damage: 3
Range: Short
Shots: 1
Mass: 8.9kg
Reloads: .1kg
Cost: Cr340

Ballista TL1
Damage: 4
Range: Short
Shots: 1
Mass: 120kg
Reloads: 6.0kg
Cost: Cr380

Hope this helps,

From T4: Emperor's Arsenal:

Bow TL1
Damage: 2
Range: Contact
Shots: 1
Mass: 1.8kg
Reloads: .2kg
Cost: Cr60

Heavy Crossbow TL1
Damage: 3
Range: Short
Shots: 1
Mass: 8.9kg
Reloads: .1kg
Cost: Cr340

Ballista TL1
Damage: 4
Range: Short
Shots: 1
Mass: 120kg
Reloads: 6.0kg
Cost: Cr380

Hope this helps,

The excellent Traveller's Aide #1: Personal Weapons of Charted Space (or TA1) includes CT stats for a good range of lower TL weapons along with other good bits. (including several types of bows, crossbows, and pole arms, no Siege Weapons sadly :( ) It does have shock batons though.
:cool: (innocent look)

It's available in either print or pdf form here on this site and it's well worth the price IMO.

Oh and Emperor's Arsenal is a good book to pick up as well. Among other things it covers different TL versions of the same weapons. (i.e. how a ACR changes etc.)

Originally posted by Dameon Toth Detached Scout:
You're welcome, but I don't know why it posted 2 times...


FWIW, you can always click on the 2nd from the right icon on the duplicate post and delete the extra.

The archaic missile weapons appeared in at least two other GDW publications that I know of:
The Spinward Marches Campaign book and Striker. Check your FLGS or E-Bay for copies.

I hope that helps!

Bob Weaver
Daryen - No supplements.

Casey - No Traveller's Aides, no Spinward Marches Campaign books, no FLGS.

If you have the attack and damage matrices available to you, would you please post them here?

Thank you.
Originally posted by Keklas Rekobah:

Casey - No Traveller's Aides, no Spinward Marches Campaign books, no FLGS.
Well the links I put in my post (granted since the site change links are *nigh-invisible* to see at times) are for QLI's store where you can either have them mail the printed version of Traveller's Aide #1 or if you buy the pdf version you can download the file.

Still a good book/pdf file IMO. And the T4 book can be found on ebay and online used game/book stores.

But as always, free is good. :D :cool:
