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Any worked examples of High Guard ships?

There is no apparent shortage of finished USP stats to be had but as the dreaded school exam always asks, "you must show your working".

Are there sources of designs and detailed workings out there, I can create my own (and have), but those are subject to my interpretation, and of course, the software I am writing will reflect that too.

They must be 100% High Guard to begin with and over 1000 tons displacement. The software currently works with weapons organised as batteries rather than individual turrets, and the crew calculations reflect that too. Book 2 rules will follow in due course.

Any designs you are willing to share, please send to the following address, hope you can help.

Are you looking for High Guard 1st ed. or 2nd ed.? I know I have a worked out example of 1st ed. somewhere in my notes.
I'm following the Far Future reprints so I assume that will be 2nd edition. I also acquired TCS recently off eBay and will be incorporating some additions from there.
Totally OT here - Thunderbolt, I just had a look at your CambrianMoons website, the 3D art there is awesome! And I do like the stories with the pictures as well...
IIRC Marc W Miller himself did a detailed walk through of the design of the P F Sloan class Fleet Escort...

...but the more I think about it the more I'm sure I'm misremembering it and it was just a detailed example of how to do deckplans in Challenge (#24?) that used the P F Sloan as an example.

So I guess no help for you here :(
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Totally OT here - Thunderbolt, I just had a look at your CambrianMoons website, the 3D art there is awesome! And I do like the stories with the pictures as well...
Oh yeah! I had a look around there a while ago. *VERY* nice!
Interestingly TB's site looks like it's set in the Traveller universe, but it just feels a lot more like modern scifi (Peter Hamilton's books?). I really want to know more about Hycaron and the Lazloi and dybbuks
I notice the text labels on the stars in the background on the latest picture ("The Lovers" 2007) is... Vilani.