• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Any word on the second printing of the THB?

According to a post from Hunter in mid-December (http://trio.rpg.net/rf08/read.php?f=1148&i=10&t=1), the second printing was to be expected "towards the end of 1st Quarter 2003."

I haven't picked-up the THB and am anxious to do so once the second printing comes out (it looks like it will be fairly easy to adapt T20 to a MechWarrior campaign--or so I'm hoping), and so I'd like to know if it's still in the works for sometime this quarter.

BTW, standard practice in book-printing is to have the lowest number on the number line represent the printing of the book, not the lowest number minus one as stated in the post referenced above (e.g., "9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1" should be a first printing, while "9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2" should be the second printing).

I'll take the silence on the subject to mean that it's still on track for printing and distribution end-of-quarter (but that the powers that be don't want it advertised to affect current sales?)... ;)
Originally posted by Zensunni:
I'll take the silence on the subject to mean that it's still on track for printing and distribution end-of-quarter (but that the powers that be don't want it advertised to affect current sales?)... ;)
See my Current Happenings post for info on the THB.
