kaladorn wrote:
"Interestingly, Mr. Whipsnade, I think this might be the next topic for a compendium of uncollected insight.
(Once we're done the current project, and I am working on some feedback but it is a busy week)."
Mr. Barclay,
Ooog... my head!
This project will entail quite a bit of digging. I'm thinking of all the subsector 'snapshots' in the various issues of DGP's "Travellers' Digest" and "Megatraveller Journal". It seems nearly every one of those had an amber or red zone explanation.
"The place that started out my curiosity was Tionale. You didn't mention it, ..."
Mea culpa. The Ambers I listed are all in the Aramis Subsector. TTA was the only product I had easily to hand. I relied on my memory for the 3 Reds; Shionthy, Algine, and Nirton, I listed later.
"... but I did a web search and found out that one of the old JTAS articles covered Tionale (Soft Bunk: What To Do When The Zhodani Attack). This is set pre 5FW, so I've now decided how that played out and integrated it into my description of Tionale in 1115. The Amber Zone there is still in place as a result of on-going native unrest, which was starting before the 5FW, and which the 5FW didn't help..."
Nifty! Fits neatly, doesn't invoke the Ancients, works for me!
IMHO, the difference between Ambers and Reds seems to be a matter of degree and not kind. Look at Reacher; an Amber zone, and Zykoca; a Red zone. Both zones are in place due to xenophobic locals and their descriptions aren't too different, but one is Red and the other Amber. Aside from a few physically dangerous spots; Shionthy, or protected cultures; Algine, the boundary between Red and Amber zone status seems entirely subjective.
Another point to remember, Amber and Red Zone status is a TAS designation, not an Imperial one. Imperially interdicted worlds do recieve Red status automatically, but is every TAS designated Red Zone the site of an interdiction? IIRC, there are mentions in canon of individual nations on a balkanized world being red zoned while the others remained open or 'green'.
Amber designation raises similar questions. Supposedly, every system outside the Imperium is rated amber by TAS for Imperial citizens. Other amber designations may reflect TAS sensibilities as opposed to Imperial ones. From my travelling days, I'm reminded of the monthly US State Dept. travel warnings our booking agency would forward to us. State's warnings never quite matched up with a another similar document issued by the UN.
"I think a catalog of Amber Zone reasons is a great idea, if I do say so myself."
Let's see what you say after all the research is finished! Ooog....