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Amber Zones


SOC-14 1K
Has anyone ever compiled a list of the canonical Amber Zones, why they are posted as Amber Zones and the periodical or product that details the Amber Zone?
kaladorn wrote:

"Has anyone ever compiled a list of the canonical Amber Zones, why they are posted as Amber Zones and the periodical or product that details the Amber Zone?"

Mr. Barclay,

Here are the ones from CT's TTA to get you started;

0508 Zila E-25672C 7 Amber - High law level and very slow judicial system. Travellers warned about this prior to leaving the starport and made to sign a waiver! (Despite this, Zila is also the location for the often reused 'Red Tape' adventure in TTA.)

0702 Rugbird B-AC5634 A Amber - Insidious atmosphere.

0703 Towers B-444448 A Amber - Planetary customs include a 'definite code of honor and a strict dueling code to right slights and insults'. Offworlders are expected to follow the code duello.

0810 Reacher C-9A8542 8 Amber - Upset of local economy; the planet is a 'one crop' world of sorts, has led to increased violence against off-worlders.

Oddly, Herguz; the site of two mysteriously vanished colonies, Pysadi; with a narcotic-like atmospheric taint, Jesedipere; home to several Vargr refugee camps, and Aramanx; a hi-pop system with an ongoing world war, are not 'zoned' in any manner.

Red zones in the same book and subsector are;

0202 Corfu X-895674 8 Red - Interdicted due a 'virulent, crippling' disease that effects 5% of the population. No known cure yet.

0604 Zykoca X-994542 6 Red - Xenophobic local society. Starport was attacked and offworlders killed.

0707 Lewis X-427402 D Red - Local branch of the Tukera family greased the proper palms and got their 'retreat' world interdicted despite the farmers, ranchers, and miners already living there.

Other Red Zones off the top of my pointy head;

Shionthy/Regina - a belt of contra-terrene or antimatter.

Algine/Regina - Site of pre-Imperial, Solomani STL slowboat, colony. Locals being 'protected' from any cultural upsets.

Nirton/District 268 - Flare star and 'rubble filled' system according to a DGP TD adventure; the multi-part 'Psionic Knights' IIRC.

Detroit is considered a Red Zone but its suburbs are merely an Amber Zone. Ditto Cleveland.

Texas has shifted from an Amber Zone to Red Zone due to increased hostility to outlanders/foreigners as well as increased suspicion of higher technology [TL 6+ is often deemed "sorcery" or "black magic" and "scares the horses..."

Hope this helps...
Originally posted by secretagent:
Texas has shifted from an Amber Zone to Red Zone due to increased hostility to outlanders/foreigners as well as increased suspicion of higher technology [TL 6+ is often deemed "sorcery" or "black magic" and "scares the horses..."
That only applies in College Station and Lubbock.
Thanks guys!

Interestingly, Mr. Whipsnade, I think this might be the next topic for a compendium of uncollected insight.
(Once we're done the current project, and I am working on some feedback but it is a busy week).

The place that started out my curiosity was Tionale. You didn't mention it, but I did a web search and found out that one of the old JTAS articles covered Tionale (Soft Bunk: What To Do When The Zhodani Attack). This is set pre 5FW, so I've now decided how that played out and integrated it into my description of Tionale in 1115. The Amber Zone there is still in place as a result of on-going native unrest, which was starting before the 5FW, and which the 5FW didn't help....

I think a catalog of Amber Zone reasons is a great idea, if I do say so myself.
kaladorn wrote:

"Interestingly, Mr. Whipsnade, I think this might be the next topic for a compendium of uncollected insight.
(Once we're done the current project, and I am working on some feedback but it is a busy week)."

Mr. Barclay,

Ooog... my head! ;) This project will entail quite a bit of digging. I'm thinking of all the subsector 'snapshots' in the various issues of DGP's "Travellers' Digest" and "Megatraveller Journal". It seems nearly every one of those had an amber or red zone explanation.

"The place that started out my curiosity was Tionale. You didn't mention it, ..."

Mea culpa. The Ambers I listed are all in the Aramis Subsector. TTA was the only product I had easily to hand. I relied on my memory for the 3 Reds; Shionthy, Algine, and Nirton, I listed later.

"... but I did a web search and found out that one of the old JTAS articles covered Tionale (Soft Bunk: What To Do When The Zhodani Attack). This is set pre 5FW, so I've now decided how that played out and integrated it into my description of Tionale in 1115. The Amber Zone there is still in place as a result of on-going native unrest, which was starting before the 5FW, and which the 5FW didn't help..."

Nifty! Fits neatly, doesn't invoke the Ancients, works for me! ;)

IMHO, the difference between Ambers and Reds seems to be a matter of degree and not kind. Look at Reacher; an Amber zone, and Zykoca; a Red zone. Both zones are in place due to xenophobic locals and their descriptions aren't too different, but one is Red and the other Amber. Aside from a few physically dangerous spots; Shionthy, or protected cultures; Algine, the boundary between Red and Amber zone status seems entirely subjective.

Another point to remember, Amber and Red Zone status is a TAS designation, not an Imperial one. Imperially interdicted worlds do recieve Red status automatically, but is every TAS designated Red Zone the site of an interdiction? IIRC, there are mentions in canon of individual nations on a balkanized world being red zoned while the others remained open or 'green'.

Amber designation raises similar questions. Supposedly, every system outside the Imperium is rated amber by TAS for Imperial citizens. Other amber designations may reflect TAS sensibilities as opposed to Imperial ones. From my travelling days, I'm reminded of the monthly US State Dept. travel warnings our booking agency would forward to us. State's warnings never quite matched up with a another similar document issued by the UN.

"I think a catalog of Amber Zone reasons is a great idea, if I do say so myself."

Let's see what you say after all the research is finished! Ooog....

From my travelling days, I'm reminded of the monthly US State Dept. travel warnings our booking agency would forward to us. State's warnings never quite matched up with a another similar document issued by the UN.
When you have two opposing organizations employing highly educated and intelligent people to write meaningless and non-offensive drivel for publication there is sure to be some minor flashes of creative difference ---esp. when edited by an older less creative and less intelligent supervisor.
Originally posted by secretagent:
Detroit is considered a Red Zone but its suburbs are merely an Amber Zone. Ditto Cleveland.

Texas has shifted from an Amber Zone to Red Zone ..."

Hope this helps...
Camden NJ. Red Zone, 'Nuff said.
Even more Off-Topic: Had a TL v world type conflict(~TL 4 Na Ni VA) during Chargen. Instead of re-rolling results decided on Red Zone homeworld. Sixth/seventh generation survivors of Terran sub-light colony ship. Used Algine/Regina as a starting point. Went way over the top with world history. May post later in War and Peace characters.
The GT supplement "Behind the Claw" gives the reason for all amber and red zone classifications in the Spinward Marches.

The GT supplement "Rim of Fire" gives the reason for most, if not all, amber and red zone classifications in the Solomani Rim.
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
The GT supplement "Behind the Claw" gives the reason for all amber and red zone classifications in the Spinward Marches.
Though some of them are rather farfetched. My favorite (so to speak) is Mirriam/Five Siaters, which is supposed to be amber zoned for having dangerous tides. (Meanwhile Arkadia/Vilis is "a volcanic world prone to frequent earthquakes and eruptions" without eing amber zoned. Go fifure.)

I wonder how many of the ones in BTC (I have ROF, just hadn't went delving into it yet) are GURPS specific explanations (ie would not apply in MT, or other timelines)? I also wonder if they are compatible with prior canon?

On the matter of the world in the five sisters, maybe they have in mind something like km high tidal waves. Something that could really do some damage and would catch non-local by surprise (with bad consequences). (Yes, this is a silly reason, of course that may only be the *official* reason... their may be another reason that no one is talking about....)
kaladorn wrote:

"I wonder how many of the ones in BTC (I have ROF, just hadn't went delving into it yet) are GURPS specific explanations (ie would not apply in MT, or other timelines)? I also wonder if they are compatible with prior canon?"

Mr. Barclay,

Because BtC produced blurbs for each and every world in the Marches, I believe that in some cases its Amber zone explanation is the *only* amber zone explanation. Mr. Rancke-Madsen would be the one to ask about this, but I believe that a healthy portion of Amber and Red zones in the Marches had no canoncial reason prior to BtC.

That being said, BtC did change canon; not as grevious a sin as some would have it, but BtC did make changes(1) all the same. According to CT's SMC, the high preponderence of Amber Zones in the Five Sisters Subsector had been due to the Imperial Navy's administration of that region. BtC provided individual reasons for each world rather than a blanket excuse.

The oddities of Amber and Red designation; as illustrated by Mr. Rancke-Madsen with Mirriam and Arkadia, is an old 'problem' within Traveller. As I pointed out in my earlier post, in the Aramis Subsector we have a Red Zone in place on Lewis at the behest of a powerful family while Herguz, a world which has seen two colonies mysteriously disappear, doesn't even rate an Amber Zone. Go figure indeed!


1 - BtC biggest canonical change was to the operational history of the 5th FW. It does not resemble SMC's version at all and the two cannot be reconciled. Again, it's a change and whether that change was 'good' or 'bad' is up to the individual reader. SMC's version will fit some personal TUs and BtC's version will fit others.
Okay, in order:

SMC??? (Spinward Marches Campaign?)

Hegruz - really? Wow!

I wonder what BtC says about Tionale... I just did it into MT terms (1115) using the only data I could find on it (Soft Bunk, CT). Interestingly, due to DGPs insertion of a pop multiplier, the 1105-1107 CT version of Tionale with 8800 people becomes the 1116 versions with 2000 people. I've rationalized this as the result of the Zhodani actions during the war (including smashing up the starport on their way out), the continuing hostility with the aliens, and the fact that people just don't like living in a war zone for decades. So some died, some moved. The area just ain't what it used to be.
kaladorn wrote:

"Okay, in order: SMC??? (Spinward Marches Campaign?)"

Mr. Barclay,

Yes, sorry, SMC is the acronym for CT's "The Spinward Marches Campaign".

"Hegruz - really? Wow!"

Yes, really! And "wow!" is right. Herguz is a water world. The first colony of 20K souls disappeared in 650 without a trace. Another colony was founded within a few years only to disappear in the "early 900s". Seventy thousand sophonts lost that time. Again, no traces found.

There's an orbital base 'studying' the world now, but no Amber or Red Zone. All this is straight from CT's TTA.

Nice twist with Tionale, btw. BtC most definitely speaks about Tionale; every world in the Marches has at least a one paragraph blurb(1), but BtC also changed canon. I don't know how much Tionale's CT, MT, and TNE info will match up with BtC. BtC's 5th FW doesn't match CT's SMC or the TNS briefs from the period at all.


1 - BtC's 'blurb per world' idea wasn't used in GT's next sector book, 'Rim of Fire', and won't be used in the forthcoming Alderberan sector book either.
Plop observes comm mesg. from Larsen and Kaladorn:
"Hegruz - really? Wow!"

Yes, really! And "wow!" is right. Herguz is a water world. The first colony of 20K souls disappeared in 650 without a trace. Another colony was founded within a few years only to disappear in the "early 900s". Seventy thousand sophonts lost that time. Again, no traces found.

There's an orbital base 'studying' the world now, but no Amber or Red Zone. All this is straight from CT's TTA.
Ok. My turn. TTA=The Traveller Adventure?

On Herguz, what do you think guys? Would you have a planet with city sized sink holes?
The only world I can find that looks like 'Herguz' in the Spinward Marches is 'Heguz' - E66A224C, according to the Regency Sourcebook it's in an M2 V/DM binary system.

Maybe it's just got some really nasty lifeforms on it??
If it's a water world, you could have something unknown living beneath the waves that destroyed the colonies. Or it could be unrecorded natural phenomena. Or something Ancients-related.

That's one thing I like about not having a known, canonical reasons for all of the amber/red zones. You can use them as adventure hooks, and make up your own reason.