No one's sure if Proxima is actually part of the system or just passing nearby.
Some interesting speculation about Alpha Centauri in 'A Planet Dweller's Dream'. by Martyn J Fogg, an essay in "Islands in the Sky", edited by Stanley Schmidt and Robert Zubrin (1996, ISBN 0-471-13561-5).
Obviously it's 10 years old so some of these speculations may already be out of date.
Fogg looks at nearby (within 25 ly) Sun-like stars and calculates the possibilty of finding both Earth-like planets and Easily-Terraformable planets (like Mars).
Alpha Centauri A: 7.8% Earthlike, habitable world, 44% Marslike, easily terraformable world.
Alpha Centauri B: 4.4% Earthlike, habitable world, 38% Marslike, easily terraformable world.
Funny that the most likely spot is also our next door neighbour.
Other nearby stars for comparison.
Beta Hydri (21.3ly): 7.5% Earthlike, habitable world, 35% Marslike, easily terraformable world.
Delta Pavonis (18.64ly): 5.1% Earthlike, habitable world, 39% Marslike, easily terraformable world.
70 Ophiuchi A (16.73ly): 4.4% Earthlike, habitable world, 38% Marslike, easily terraformable world.
82 Eridani (20.9ly): 4.4% Earthlike, habitable world, 38% Marslike, easily terraformable world.
Eta Cassiopeiae A (19.19ly): 3.9% Earthlike, habitable world, 38% Marslike, easily terraformable world.
These are the most likely within 25 ly. It might be all nonesense, but it's the only data I've found.