<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
Figure a TL6 assault rifle is the same as a M16, a TL7 AT missile is a TOW, and extrapolate.
Sounds like fun. I think I know where Striker is, but I haven't seen my T2000 rules since two moves ago.
[This message has been edited by Uncle Bob (edited 21 April 2002).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Well, if you use the Striker stats you figure NATO assault rifles to be the 5.5mm Tech 7 rifle, and the WARSAW assault rifles to be the 7mm Tech 7 one. Since Traveller is extrapolated from late 70's, early-80's miltech, I don't think you'd have to do much backward extrapolating. You should be able to pretty much use the charts as-is. Unless you're a serious ironmonger and want to model the difference between a Smith and Wesson and a Glock.
To my mind the most effort would be converting the vehicles (building an M1 Tank or a LAV using tech level 7 Striker).
Anyway, the only reason I thought about it is I've got the 2.2 version, the rules of which I pretty much don't like. But it's got a lot of game maps that are already conveniently scaled on 1/2 inch squares...perfect for Azhanti High Lightning (well, not quite perfect...2 meters instead of 1.5 meters, but close enough). I've also always been intrigued by the T2K universe as an excuse for a skirmish-level contemporary miniatures game.
I was interested enough to look into 15mm contemporary miniatures, and, unfortunately, the closest I could find were Peter Pig Vietnam figures.