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Age brackets for a Zhodani?


I was fiddling with the idea of making a Zho character and when I looked at the list of ages to find when he'd start taking aging penalties, I couldn't find Zho on the list. I ended up just going with the Mixed Vilani age bracket because that seems the most 'average' of the humans. Anyone know what the age brackets are supposed to be?
Hello Borodin,

This is from GURPS:Traveller 2 ed. p. 84 top entry of the sidebar 2nd and 3rd paragraphs:

"Zhodani are standard Humans, and are built as Human characters with only a few changes. The most important is height." "Zhodani tend toward darker skin, eye, and hair colors, with less variation than Solomani, but all skin and hair colors are known. They have 28 teeth instead of 32."

So my guess would be either to go with a Solomani or as you did a mixed Vilani.

Originally posted by Borodin:
I was fiddling with the idea of making a Zho character and when I looked at the list of ages to find when he'd start taking aging penalties, I couldn't find Zho on the list. I ended up just going with the Mixed Vilani age bracket because that seems the most 'average' of the humans. Anyone know what the age brackets are supposed to be?