The PC's are members of the SPA Inspecor-General's office assigned to test the security of Imperial Starports. You will enter the "secure" zone, do some reliativly harmless mission(picked by your superior who has a rather odd sense of humor about such things). After this is done you will evaluate the response and write a report. Trouble is the Port-captain was not told of the drill(after all the Ine Givar would not send notice would they?). Therefore the dangers your team is likly to face are quite real.
Variant: while the drill is conducted a real attack is being made.
Variant: your report is not satisfactory. however the Port Captain is corrupt and incompetant and does not wish the report to be made...
Variant: the Port Captain is working for the Ine Givar and has very good reasons for not wanting you to make your report...
Variant: while the drill is conducted a real attack is being made.
Variant: your report is not satisfactory. however the Port Captain is corrupt and incompetant and does not wish the report to be made...
Variant: the Port Captain is working for the Ine Givar and has very good reasons for not wanting you to make your report...