"Oh so that's where I left it
I really should have paid more attention when landing."
In fact your poll has induced a minor form of catatonia on me each time I look at the answers
That would probably be my most honest reaction. My mind would run through and discard all of these from your form:
Find a real good head shrinker/therapist to talk you back to reality.
But then if I'm sane enough to seek help...
Look for the missing crew.
But what if they are hostile, or just here on a specimen sampling trip and happen to be short one middle aged male human, or...
Concact the local newpaper and get your face published as the guy that found the starship.
But who's gonna believe me...
Contact the nearest military base and turn it over to them.
But what if they have a policy of detaining (indefinately and without contact) witnesses...
Find a place to hide the ship until you can take full advantage of it.
But where, and how, and...
Get your friends, learn how to operate the ship, explore the universe.
But most of my friends would think I was nuts, or joking, or something and they wouldn't show...
Jump in, start it up, and head out to explore the universe alone.
But, BUT WHAT?! Hell yes! This is the easiest choice. Sure some people will miss me, but hey the first thing to figure out is the comms and then I can just make a few calls, or better yet a global broadcast on all channels with the translator running through every language, "Hey Earth. Look what I found! Soon as I check things out I'll be back to share what I found with..."
Get in and use it to take over the world. (sorta)
"...everyone who agrees to join the new world government I'll be pushing for. Why don't you all get a head start on that Global Peace thing while I'm gone."
So that's my answer
Now I'll go vote for the only one that fits: "Do something else not mentioned above." Though in this post it is mentioned above