We don't, as players, really need to understand how a drive works. IFM.
We just need to know the parameters for a safe jump: greater than 100 diameters out from worlds or stars, most of the grid present, and sufficient LHyd Fuel present, and a good course plot done recently.
It would be nice to have a canonical statement of whether the drive is on DURING jump, or if the drives non-grid components can be taken down for deep maintenance during the relative safety of jump.
I've always seen jump as a kind of "Kick it in and it falls back naturally"; once you finish translation, the drive shuts down, the grid is the only thing keeping you from being dematerialized, and in 12-5,000,000 hours, strongly centered around 168 hours, you return to N-space some parsecs distant.
I've always assumed that engineers know some of the Why, but not all. (If they knew the sum total, they'd be able to do a J36 drive, since it is possible to do J36 in a misjump.) But the players don't. It's occasionally nice to throw some details at serious grognards, for which I have SSOM...
We just need to know the parameters for a safe jump: greater than 100 diameters out from worlds or stars, most of the grid present, and sufficient LHyd Fuel present, and a good course plot done recently.
It would be nice to have a canonical statement of whether the drive is on DURING jump, or if the drives non-grid components can be taken down for deep maintenance during the relative safety of jump.
I've always seen jump as a kind of "Kick it in and it falls back naturally"; once you finish translation, the drive shuts down, the grid is the only thing keeping you from being dematerialized, and in 12-5,000,000 hours, strongly centered around 168 hours, you return to N-space some parsecs distant.
I've always assumed that engineers know some of the Why, but not all. (If they knew the sum total, they'd be able to do a J36 drive, since it is possible to do J36 in a misjump.) But the players don't. It's occasionally nice to throw some details at serious grognards, for which I have SSOM...