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A few weapons (and other) questions.



A few more questions! I've not seen these mentioned before - sorry if I've missed the answers anywhere.

1/ Burst Fire (p 151). As these are extra dice, I'm assuming that they aren't multiplied on a critical hit, as per the normal D&D PHB rules - it would seem a bit too lethal if they were. BTW, the weapons table on p200 lists critical multipliers as per D&D (e.g. x2 means roll damage twice), but the Small Craft and Starship Weapon damage table (p270) notes it as "extra damage", which seems rather odd.

2/ Battlefield Repairs (p 168). Makes note of a "Damage Control" Feat, but this doesn't appear in the Feat chapter. Also, when calculating the Repair Rank for an Engineering Crew, does the average include the skills of the DCO, or not?

3/ Evade (p 177). Advanced Space Combat - Evade option says that it can only be attempted at Close or Short range. This doesn't make any sense for the hex based system - Close or Short range to what? I thought at first that it might be a copy and paste error from the Basic system, but it doesn't seem to be.

4/ Weapons Table (p 200). Snub Pistol ammo is listed as 6/15 - what does this mean?
Also, some weapons (SMG, LMG) have a ROF option of 0 which I guess should be 1!

5/ HE Rounds (p 204). "designed to explode once they penetrate a target". This sounds to me like the extra 1d damage done by an HE round should be ignored by armour, if you got through the armour in the first place with the normal damage. Otherwise it would just count as extra normal damage.

e.g. Fire HE round from Snub Pistol at someone with AR 4. Roll 6 (damage) and 5 (HE).
They take 11 Stamina, and 6-4 + 5 = 7 Lifeblood. If they had AR 8, then they would take 11 Stamina and then lose the 5 (HE roll) due to the armour, and then suffer 6-7 (remaining AR) = 0 Lifeblood. Is that correct?

Presumably you could obtain HEAP rounds? Cost would be for both types of ammo, e.g. +4 HEAP would cost x50 normal ammo. Nasty though!

6/ Missiles (p 272). I'm assuming that they get -2 to hit per 90,000km over their range of
90,000km, and that their damage isn't reduced by range as per Ranges table on p 154 (-1 USP per range band over mimimum), but the table doesn't actually say so.


1/ Burst Fire (p 151). As these are extra dice, I'm assuming that they aren't multiplied on a critical hit, as per the normal D&D PHB rules - it would seem a bit too lethal if they were. BTW, the weapons table on p200 lists critical multipliers as per D&D (e.g. x2 means roll damage twice), but the Small Craft and Starship Weapon damage table (p270) notes it as "extra damage", which seems rather odd.
Ah, but the extra damage is multiplied. Bursts are LETHAL. And they are one way of hammering through Combat armor.

4/ Weapons Table (p 200). Snub Pistol ammo is listed as 6/15 - what does this mean?
Also, some weapons (SMG, LMG) have a ROF option of 0 which I guess should be 1!
Snub revolvers have a capacity of 6, Snub auto pistols have the 15rd magazines.
If a weapon does not have a '1' in their ROF, it means they are incapable of single shots. IE SMG's only fire 4 round bursts, and LMG's 20rd bursts.. Hence when fired, you need to state bonus to hit or extra damage every time.

5/ HE Rounds (p 204). "designed to explode once they penetrate a target". This sounds to me like the extra 1d damage done by an HE round should be ignored by armour, if you got through the armour in the first place with the normal damage. Otherwise it would just count as extra normal damage.
Just extra damage, Ignoring armor falls under HEAP rounds (p206), and AP rounds (use rules on p154. AP rules on p204 are incorrect as per the errata).
Originally posted by Ellros:
Ah, but the extra damage is multiplied. Bursts are LETHAL. And they are one way of hammering through Combat armor.
Hm, ok, I've not seen it mentioned anywhere, do you have a page # for it? I'd like to know where it is in the THB, because I'm bound to have someone give me the D&D rule!

Snub revolvers have a capacity of 6, Snub auto pistols have the 15rd magazines.
If a weapon does not have a '1' in their ROF, it means they are incapable of single shots. IE SMG's only fire 4 round bursts, and LMG's 20rd bursts.. Hence when fired, you need to state bonus to hit or extra damage every time.
Where does it say the bit about Auto Pistols/Revolvers? The only reference that I can find is on p203 where it says that TL8 Auto Pistols are low velocity revolvers - it doesn't mention anything about magazine size or auto pistols.

Good point about the 0 ROF, I hadn't thought of it that way.

Just extra damage, Ignoring armor falls under HEAP rounds (p206), and AP rounds (use rules on p154. AP rules on p204 are incorrect as per the errata). [/QB]
Ok. I took the stuff on p206 to be referring to grenades and explosives rather than HEAP ammo.


Burst dice:

Throughout all the D20 system stuff the only stuff that is multiplied for critical hits is the basic damage and numerical bonuses. Extra dice for things like sneak attacks, flaming swords, and so on, are not multiplied. I would say Burst Fire follows this guide.

That said, if you want combat to be even more deadly, then mulitply the burst bonus damage dice too... You game, your rules.

Snub Weapons:

'Traveller's Aide 1 - Personal Weapons of Chartered Space' clarifies this on page 18. Snub Revolvers have 6 rounds, Snub Autos 15.

Revelvers have the bonus of being able to use multiple different ammo types at the same time, and spin to certain cylinders, whereas Snub Autos only have whatever is coming next. Snub Autos are more common for combat troops, though, as they have a bigger ammo capacity.

Hope this helps,

Originally posted by Mark B.:

2/ Battlefield Repairs (p 168). Makes note of a "Damage Control" Feat, but this doesn't appear in the Feat chapter. Also, when calculating the Repair Rank for an Engineering Crew, does the average include the skills of the DCO, or not?
I had the same problem. The description for Damage Control is in the Navy class (p. 51). It is useful because it adds x2 to the Repair Point multiplier.